Celebrations & Occasions Food & Dining My Kids

Happy Birthday Ate: Yurakuen Japanese Restaurant

I have a 20 year old kid. Gosh, I feel SO old! Where did the years go? I’m having so much fun being their mom that time passed by so swiftly. I can’t even remember what my life was like without Kap & the kids.

Normally, I like to plan surprises for the kids. That’s the child in me. But the kids are mentally more mature than me, lels. They don’t like the extra mile and the “drama” which I have to admit I’m very good at! 😛 Besides, their busy schedules make it hard to plan anything foolproof. So I asked Ate out on a lunch date instead at one place I knew she would love. YURAKUEN at Diamond Hotel.

Yurakuen Japanese Restaurant, Diamond Hotel

Diamond Hotel, Roxas Blvd. cor Dr. J. Quintos St. Malate, Manila(02) 528-3000 loc. 1127

Ate loves anything & everything pretty. She’s like me. She eats with her eyes, so I knew Yurakuen would be perfect to celebrate our yearly mommy-and-me-only birthday tradition. We always eat out so I wracked my brain looking for a place that would say special in every way. I say this glass-enclosed zen restaurant screams special, don’t you think?

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Ate had a 2-hour break from school so she made a mad dash to meet me at Yurakuen for a harried & hurried birthday lunch. Her day usually begins at 6AM and ends at 6PM so we had to make a way to celebrate her very special day. She had no time to change from her “wash day” uniform but she still looks pretty don’t you agree? <3

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I love one on one dates with my loves. I get to focus all my attention on each. My Ate is so grown up na. I can’t even bear to think that someday I will have to let her go so she can fly off to fulfill her dreams & destiny. For now, and for as long as I can, I’m holding on for dear life to this sweet child of mine.


By the way, the top I am wearing here was a surprise gift by the kids, headed by their Ate. I don’t know what I did to deserve such love & devotion from my kids. I’m so blessed. <3

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Yurakuen has a Teppanyaki Eat All You Can, available every lunch and dinner for P1970++. Must give it a try one of these days! <3

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Yurakuen is not big on promotions -few have blogged about this hidden forest. So even though I googled this place & had an idea it will be pretty, I wasn’t expecting it to be THIS pretty! It was a pure vision of loveliness! Parang enchanted forest talaga! <3 And I LOVE fairy tales and happy ever afters.


I love how everything was Japanese themed. From the glass cherry blossoms to the servers dressed in fine kimonos. And even though Mulan is NOT japanese, parang Mulan ang peg ng dalaga ko! 😉


Horse plush. Included with the drink of the month, 580 php.

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And as I expected, Ate fell in love with the beauty & charm that is Yurakuen. She went crazy taking photos of every angle.

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The glass trees make it seem like winter with frozen cherry blossom leaves. But they say it looks even better at night with the trees lighted up.

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Set meals are available.. Lady’s Set Appetizer, Stewed Dish, Grilled Dish, Gindara Teriyaki, Chicken Teriyaki, Fried Dish, Ebi Fried, Steamed Egg Custard, Steamed Rice, Pickles, Miso Soup, Dessert 1,380.00++ OR Gentleman’s Set Appetizer, Sashimi, Spicy Tuna with Calamansi Sauce, Grilled Dish, Salted Salmon, U.S. Prime Beef Teriyaki, Salad, Rice, Pickles, Miso Soup, Dessert 1,380.00++

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Can you just imagine this at night time? What a lovely date place!

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Our orders of sushi & sashimi came, and our eyes turned as big as saucers upon seeing this big bowl of assorted sushi! What a happy lunch this was turning out to be! <3

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Nigiri Sushi Moriawase. Assorted nigiri sushi 850.00++

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Look! Each was at least twice the size of a regular sushi. So this was like 9×2! Making it 18 total if you get technical. Super sulit!

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Ebi Tempura. Shrimp tempura 520.00++. I have to admit, after seeing the giant sashimi & sushi platters, this was a bit puny in size.

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The Gindara was a joy, albeit not as tender & flaky as we would have enjoyed.

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Chirashi Sushi. Sushi rice topped with assorted sashimi 850.00++

To see the rest of the menu, CLICK HERE.


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After meal tea. If you’re looking to be pampered, then Yurakuen at The Diamond Hotel is the place to be.


Ate has warned me that she doesn’t like “The Birthday Song.” But what is a birthday without the cake blowing, right? Can you tell she’s blushing? ;))



My beautiful Ate with the pretty Yurakuen angels. Thank you so much for making our day so special! <3


Many thanks to The BossmanMELANIE SAMONTE for this yummy baked birthday cheesecake and for arranging the surprise birthday song number! <3


And thank you Ate for making an effort to spend 2 hours with me. I know how heavy the traffic gets during lunch time but I’m happy we got to have a lunch date on your very special day! :-*

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Even when she is making her wish, she wastes it on her dear old mommy. As I was editing the photo on the left, I got to look closely at her face & immediately, I knew what she was wishing for. My good health & long life. She really loves me so. Even with her wishes, she is always considering me. I LOVE YOU ATE! <3


And because birthdays are cheat days, we each got an ice cream macaron! 😛


I got the Ube Vanilla Ice Cream Macaron 230 php nett.


And Ate got the Raspberry Almond Ice Cream Macaron 230 php nett.


Because we always share.. hating kapatid!


Taking her back to school.. I love you my dearest Jangi! I can never tell you often enough how much love & joy you have brought into my life.

If you have noticed, we ate only seafood at Yurakuen..


Stairway situation. Home sweet home of birthday girl! #20balloons #20wishes

Coz pearls can only be found in the sea! 😉


For the lovely lady who is no longer a teen! Happy 20th birthday. You deserve everything that is good, beautiful, and will make you very very happy. Reach for the stars baby girl. I love you. And most importantly, I BELIEVE IN YOU! Go rule the world. <3

Oh! The next time you see my pretty girl, she’s sporting a spankin’ new hairdo!


I so love it! Fresher, younger, cleaner look. Don’t you agree? <3


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  • Reply med

    I saw her IG post and I thought she was in an enchanted forest!!!
    Thanks for always sharing your life with us.
    Dating my daughter – I learned it from you – kahit nakakabutas ng wallet. LoL

    BTW, buy all colors of that blouse, super super super bagay sa iyo!!!!!!!! Blooming.

    November 17, 2014 at 8:49 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank youuuuu my dear Meding you always manage to make me feel loved! <3 We super want to try Champagne Bar sa Manila Hotel maybe next week! Mula nang pi-nost ni Jin yun hindi na mapakali si Jana ko hehe.

      November 17, 2014 at 1:26 pm
  • Reply Jing

    Ang aga ko umiyak, naalala ko si Nanay sa pic nyo ni Ate. We had lots of happy times eating in different restos together when she’s still alive…..

    Belated happy birthday to Jana! Praying for your success and happy life! You are so beautiful! A loving daughter like you awaits a special blessing. 🙂

    I admire you Mommy Jane on how you nurture your family. Especially on how you lovingly raise your kids…good morning! :-*

    November 17, 2014 at 8:59 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Awwwww you made me teary too. Thank you Jing. I feel bad that you lost your mom so early, but I feel happy too knowing you were able to spend a lot of happy times with her at least, & that you were able to build good memories to last you a lifetime. Hugs to you my dear Jing! ;-*

      November 17, 2014 at 1:28 pm
  • Reply Noel Q.

    Wow! That really is a very beautiful restaurant. Kung sa pics pa lang ganyan na, paano pa kaya kung in person na? Nice!

    Happy birthday ulit Jana! Wishing you all the happiness in life!

    November 17, 2014 at 10:33 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you Niel. Nawili nga kami kung pwedeng araw-arawin eh haha. Date kayo jan ni The Partner pero go at night max romantic daw. <3

      November 17, 2014 at 1:28 pm
  • Reply Erika

    Mukhang masarap yung ice cream macaron! And the pearls are so lovely like Ate!

    Ang sexy nyong 2! Woot! Again thank you for greeting me on my birthday. You and Jana made my day happy!

    Happy birthday again to my sweetest baby sister! 🙂

    November 17, 2014 at 12:52 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Date tayo for realz na when you come back ha! Ang tagal mo na akong binibitin lagi mong ayaw hahaha! 😛

      November 17, 2014 at 1:30 pm
  • Reply michymichymoo

    That’s my favorite cheesecake. hihihi. Happy birthday gorgeous Ate!! 🙂

    November 17, 2014 at 3:06 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      thank you bbbeary I will extend your greeting to her! <3

      November 17, 2014 at 5:31 pm

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