
What Holidays Mean

Holidays for us mean..

Going for joy rides & savoring the cool christmas air. Looking at the stars above, and the beauty that surrounds us every day.. Just spending time together as a family. <3

Seeing dear & old friends who go out of their way to visit & bring gifts. The heart melts to know that you are worth the time & trouble..

Our dear high school friend FRED, who never fails to visit us every year (all the way from QC),
bearing gifts for Lovey -his inaanak, and for  the whole family as well. <3
Serious cam-whoring (as usual haha!)

The family that takes pictures together, stays together! ;P
Getting together, setting differences aside..
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me! ;P
Excuse to buy still more gifts!!!! Pahabol!!! @_@

Lomo camera for guess who! ;))
And best of all.. non-stop partying & eating & merry-making! ;)) Now, back to regular programming folks! ‘Til the next holiday! :-*
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