
What Happened to Forever?

I was more sad than shocked when I learned that 3 couples we know, whom we THOUGHT were happily married & living the life some people can only dream of & wish for, were already separated for a couple of months now & the men have new loves & lives of their own. They have joined the bandwagon of our many other friends & acquaintances who have given up & moved on -separately. What happened to forever?

What happened to the promise they made, in front of God & men? Did it stop when money troubles came knocking? When menopausal set in? When the kids grew up and all that was left was each other?

When did the love stop? Was it when the girl got thick around the middle? When the guy started losing most of his hair? When crow feet & wrinkles started showing up?

Pictures are worth a thousand words. As I got connected with friends in Instagram, their “secrets” started unfolding. The lady in their arms look different from the spouse they pledged their love to. The women they call “babe” now do not carry their last names. And they post pictures of anyone & everyone except that of their spouses.


When did romance die? Was it when the men got too complacent & would pass gas in front of their wives? When the wives got too comfortable & burp loudly in the presence of their husbands? or When both aren’t too shy to pick their nose in front of each other anymore?

All along, I thought they were living the fairy tale life. Their pumpkin coaches were gilded with silver & gold, their clothes & fineries paralleled the stars in the universe, all shiny shimmering splendid. Their big smiles could have fooled anyone that they were on the moon with happiness. Looks can be deceiving I guess.


Money really IS the root of all evil. Too little of it gives way to stress & constant battle as you struggle to make ends meet one day at a time. Blaming each other & fighting for self preservation. Too much of it that you can play to your heart’s content, forsaking your duties & responsibilities to your family.. making you feel powerful & invincible, the need for love & family diminishes because you have anything & everything right at your fingertips.

More & more, I have stopped wishing for a string of luxury cars. Long trips to fantastic destinations & exotic places. Stacks upon stacks of designer clothes, bags, shoes & accessories galore. Not when it means having a huge amount of money will get to your head (and heart) & ruin your marriage.

I’ll be ok with a simple life, if it means I get to live my happily ever after. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. <3

All pictures above, save for this one, do not belong to me. The guy in the picture? HE MOST DEFINITELY BELONGS TO ME! 😉

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  • Reply ewok1993

    it is sad when marriage falls apart. it is even sadder when you are close to these people. it’s tough to pick sides, you know team wife versus team husband.

    ***photo cache***

    August 30, 2013 at 8:56 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Oo nga it’s so sad when you not only half your possessions but also you friends.. and worse, kids! 🙁 They are the ones who suffer the most from broken marriages. If only everyine can put more effort on loving instead of straying! </3

      Thank you so much for following me here in wordpress. I was sad when "photo cache" stopped commenting, yun pala all the while you were under a different name. You never left me after all. I'm so happy!! <3

      August 31, 2013 at 8:40 am
  • Reply january

    i a firm believer of marriage, one that is witnessed by God and sealed by Him. and staying forever remains a choice. well, at least in my opinion because we choose to make happy memories and happy everyday despite the scarcity of material possessions.

    i can only wish couples these days can be more forgiving, committed and loving like you and kap. 🙂

    August 30, 2013 at 12:53 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      I admire you & your hub, you guys always make time for each other, Elna. Mag God bless you with a happy & forever kind of marriage! :-*

      August 31, 2013 at 8:36 am
  • Reply Michelle Melo (@michymichymoo)

    Really sad, Ms. Jane. That’s why I really admire couples like you and Kap. 🙂

    August 30, 2013 at 2:27 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Thank you Michi. I really believe that God should always be in the center of every relationship. There are so many challenges up ahead that we need Him as a shield & armor.

      Michi, thank you for always leaving a line, I really appreciate you. You always manage to brighten my day! :-*

      August 31, 2013 at 8:34 am
  • Reply Emily Go

    I love this blog post. Esp. the last sentence. Napa teary eyed naman ako.

    ^_~ I’m a huge fan! You’re the first blog I check after I run through my emails heheheheh

    August 31, 2013 at 3:18 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Hi emily! 🙂 awwww thank you for your comment, you have boosted my sagging spirits since “the transfer” haha. Hopefully I can adjust na to this new platform. Mwah! :-*

      August 31, 2013 at 8:32 am
  • Reply Cherx Tria Santelices Uchi

    Your family became an instant inspiration since reading your blog posts. When an issue arises at home or when am feeling disheartened, all i have to do is to think of you and your lovely family and I will feel better.

    August 31, 2013 at 11:42 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Awwww cherx thank you so much. You made my heart sing. I hope to meet you soon. <3

      August 31, 2013 at 10:50 pm
  • Reply kasseopeia

    “He most definitely belongs to me!”

    Naks, ang TAMIS!

    August 31, 2013 at 5:57 pm
  • Reply Techoy Lintag Tabujara

    it really is difficult to keep the love alive. congratulations to you & kapJ. it pays to be playful & always have humor too in your marriage. and of course, flirting even if you have been married for quite some time. I love it that even after over 15 years my hubby still pinches, slaps or grabs my behind when he passes by! hahaha! still makes me feel flattered everytime!
    hey janey, kelan na ang date natin dalawa? I know you’re busy. so just let me know when. congratulations also on your move to this site! ♥

    September 2, 2013 at 2:34 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Hi techoy!! <3 I've missed you!! I know you just cane from another trip, lucky you!! Uuuuyyyyy gusto ko rin yang pinching ng behind na yan ha hehe. Ang kyot!! ;)) Wala namang ill reaction from Monica??? Ang mga anak ko magwe-welga hahaha!! :-*

      September 2, 2013 at 3:10 pm
  • Reply mayums

    it is indeed painful to witness/learn of other marriages falling apart. i’ve been praying to God to always keep our marriage intact. making things work in a marriage never stops, so this has been my constant prayer.

    September 2, 2013 at 7:40 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Oh yes I agree wholeheartedly, we need to remain steadfast and in constant prayer. There are so many temptations out there in too many forms kaya we always have to shield our family with God’s love & protection. 🙂

      September 2, 2013 at 8:47 pm
  • Reply frannywanny (@frannywanny)

    you know what’s shocking? I have friends my age ending their marriage too 🙁 which means wala pang 10 yrs ang marriage and it’s all kaput na. 🙁 Parang nowadays its so easy for people to hook up, fall in love so fast, tie the knot for the wrong reasons and later all call it quits. You’re right…what happened to “happily ever after”? I’m such an old romantic but I’m glad Paul is too. Every night we thank Him for bringing us together and we pray that we’ll be together forever. (speaking of which…he’s in Manila now while I’m here *cry* first time namin magkahiwalay this long in our 10 yrs of being a couple)

    September 4, 2013 at 8:44 pm
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