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The Godmother

Our dear Anderson asked ate to be the ninang of his first ever apo! <3 Of course we were all delighted to be part of such a happy event! m/



Except that it was on CHRISTmas day.. and we had guests coming for lunch. Boo! So we all just went to the church for a show of support but didn’t get to stay for the christening itself since 10:30, in filipino time, translated to 11:30 hehehe.

Anderson is like family to us. He spends more time with ate than his own girls, poor, tired Anderson! 🙁


The father, the Lolo, the Ninang, and the Mother.
The head is falling ate!!! @_@
Anderson’s family sans wife (who is busy cooking for the handa). 
With our dear Anderson & Jane


Knowing how important hands are to a new mom, ate got her inaanak a stroller a couple of weeks back so Jane can still do housework while tending to her son..


Spanking new stroller for a spanking new baby! 😉


Welcome to the CHRISTian world, John Zyren! :-* And congratulations to the family of Anderson for a healthy, bouncing baby boy! <3

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