Hello lovely people! Do you like my new blog design? I do. I really really do!! (I was told…
Ate is a true blue science geek (thus her pre-med course, Biology) and has always wanted to visit The Mind Museum ever since…
After we checked in & were able to settle down a bit, the kids got antsy & asked if we…
Life has certainly gotten more exciting in the GO household ever since the kids transferred to a new & bigger…
Hold your horses, nothing is definite yet haha. And for sure if I’m gonna be a lola this early it’s not gonna…
To my ever dearest Readers, Thank you so much for your help & suggestions with my S.O.S. shout-out yesterday. <3…
How cool is it to have full-time access to a resort that’s practically next-door?
Year-round, the Superfriends, Inc. would…
Last year, as a graduation treat & welcome of the start of summer, I arranged a SCAVENGER HUNT for ate…