Our dog Virginia passed away at 2pm today -she was 8 years old. We believe she had a heart attack. One minute she was fine, the next she was on the ground, her breathing stopped. Virginia was more than a pet to us, she was part of our family. It’s truly a sad sad day. :((
This is our beloved Virginia. She was the baby in our family. A spoiled brat! ;P
As I picked up the kids from school, I thought of how I would break the news to them gently, especially to my lovey. Jinia was her pet. Hers & Mine, we had joint custody.
We had “joint custody” of Jinia!
But there’s no way to sugar coat a death in the family. As I expected, all of them cried -yes, even my tough boy. :'(( Part from sorrow, but partly from guilt because they didn’t get to say goodbye this morning as they left for school. I guess we always think there’s time. Time to say “Goodbye”.. time to say “I’m sorry”.. Time to say “I Love You”!
On her last trip to Baguio with us..
I remember Daddy had to carry her all the way because she felt grossed out with the mud & refused to walk! And she’s heavy ha, mind you! She may be small, but she’s stocky (sorta like me, haha!)
Our last Christmas picture with her
Virginia was always part of our photo shoots. Much to her dismay! :)) This was our most recent New Year’s family photo shoot.
Here she was probably thinking of a way to jump off the couch.
Virginia LOVED pizza & sleeping!!! <3
She can finish 2 huge slices of pizza. More if we will allow! She also loves steak!
She snores when she sleeps! @_@ LOUDLY!!!
She tolerates dress-up.. maybe because she adores my lovey so much! ;P
Playing santacruzan, hahaha! Poor baby!
With a fascinator! To make her look girly! :))
Jamaican Jinia.. and her cherry eye! ;P
We try to make her look girly-girly by choosing mostly pink clothes. She has a tendency to look “macho” kasi!
Wearing her “sabrina”, off-shoulder shirt to emphasize her neck (or lack thereof)! :))
Virginia was clearly the queen of the house & loved by everybody! <3
Daddy loved to play rough with Jinia. I think he thinks Jinia is a boy sometimes!
And even though Ate’s pet was Veronica (the boston Terrier), she secretly loved Virginia more!
And so did Kuya!
Virginia was my lovey’s playmate.
But I loved Jinia the most.. and I know deep in my heart that she loved me the most too! <3
I love you so very much, my darling Jinia. Thank you for giving us so much joy! We will never ever forget you! :-*
As I was crying, I asked my hunny if heaven has a place for dogs. He wiped my tears & assured me that there is.. and all of our past dogs are up there playing & frolicking. I’d like to think that my dear Virginia had this conversation with my dear old Jefanie when she got into heaven:
Jefanie: Welcome to heaven, Jinia. I’m your ate, Jefanie. How’s mom & the rest of the family?
Jinia: Oh, hi ate. It’s so nice to meet you. Mom told me a lot about you. Mommy is fine. She was cuddling on the bed with Daddy as I left. The kids were still in school. I wanted to wait for them but..
Jefanie: I’m sure they’ll understand. They know you’re in a better place now.
Jinia: Yes, but I’ll miss them so much. I so wanted to say goodbye first, and give them a last lick..
Jefanie: Don’t worry Jinia, one day you’ll get to see them again. And we’re not allowed to be sad here in heaven, so cheer up. Hey sis, I notice you have scaly skin. That must itch a lot! C’mon, let me hook you up with chichi. She gives the best mud facial & bath! Guaranteed to soothe your itchy patches. And the rest of our sisters want to meet you!
Jinia: Cool! Can we have pizza after? That last meal didn’t go too well. Can we also do something about my cherry eye, ate? And while we’re at it, I’d like to get some false eyelashes in too, like the one mommy gets!
And off they go down the yellow brick road & into CHICHI’s spa…
Sweet dreams, my dearest Jinia. We love you so much. This is not goodbye. Say hi to Jefanie, Cookie, Janrey, Boris, Truffles, Hershey, Scoobie, Midge, Veronica & Betty for me and give them my love. Tell them Daddy & I miss them all so much. ‘Til we meet again, our sweet Virginia! :-*
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