It’s that season of having to wake up early again. 2 glorious months of not minding the time or day, then all of a sudden our watches are out from their hiding places & our alarms are set.
This morning, I was hoping to extend my zzzz’s when loud banging woke me up. Ate was getting some (scotch) tape for goodness knows what & opening and closing doors & drawers so loudly I gave up on sleeping altogether & trudged groggily towards the bathroom to start my morning of being a mommy.
To my happy surprise, this greeted me on my vanity from my sweet sweet ate who, in spite of rushing to make it on time for her early class at a school situated an hour away, made an effort pa to write a loving note & tape it on my vanity with the exact amount for a massage & tip. So that’s what the (scotch) tape was all about! <3
I’ve been so stressed lately with the recent major changes in our lives that I’m just a bundle of nerves & tension. So for her to even think & KNOW about my needs when I didn’t even identify it myself made me feel so loved & special. We really have a connection -soul sisters at its best. I didn’t even know I needed one until she booked a massage for me & the masseuse labored to take out the kinks & knots from my overly-stressed body . I slept like a babe during that 1.5 hour massage & drooled all over my pillow as I snored alongside Jela. That’s how much I enjoyed it. Thank you so much ate for such a lovely gift. I felt your love and I appreciate you more & more each day! <3
Zzzzzzzzzz.. Jela has taken the nasty habit of sleeping on our bed. Nasanay na. And she FARTS a lot ha. And snores ever so loudly. @_@ She also likes hogging all my pillows & space! |
I can’t even begin to comprehend what I did to deserve these beautiful, wonderful kids of mine. <3 I truly am the luckiest most blessed mom in the world!
Yesterday, I was very anxious & worried as I was waiting for my 2 younger kids to get out from school. My Lovey wasn’t faring well in her new school & had been silently pouring a river of tears for 2 straight days, begging me to put her back in her old school. They must have seen the worry in my eyes & sensed the heaviness in my heart because as soon as they saw me, they assured me that they had a good better day in school, that I’m a good mom, made the right decision transferring them, and not to worry. (Of course I’m still not sure if they just said that because they didn’t want me crying my heart out if front of their schoolmates in the middle of the street! ;P )
As a mom, I don’t even know if half of what I’m doing is right. I’m playing with their lives with every decision that I make and I’m just hoping & praying that I’m doing what’s best for them. Seeing them unhappy over a decision I forced heavily upon them breaks my heart into a million little pieces. So those little words of comfort coming from them made a big difference. I NEED for them to have good days. Great days can come in later, but good days? That’s on top of my prayer list for now. Baby steps until we finally get there. Kap says I’m too emotionally attached to the kids. I’m their mother, hello? Isn’t that a bit natural? @_@
I’m just so unimaginably happy that my babyson & my baby girl are doing their best to adapt to the situation that has been dealt with them & are making a huge attempt at making friends to make their days better -for me.
I know my posts lately have become too serious, please bear with me as we take on a new journey. I am Sugar and Spice, and this is my life. <3
This image doesn’t belong to me. I wish it did though, coz it describes me perfectly. Naughty & Nice na, PINK PA! Maybe I’ll ask ate to make me my own logo. <3 |
It's really so hard to be a mom, and I've only just begun. Sigh.
June 19, 2013 at 6:56 amOh yes.. and madadagdagan pa si Matteo, hahaha! We can swap stories over cocktails when the time comes. You will gripe, I will nod & smile nalang hahaha!
June 19, 2013 at 7:26 am