
Studio Recording

Went to church yesterday with creaking joints & body malaise. It’s actually a no brainer. We require the kids to go to church with us every sunday. It’s one thing that’s non-negotiable so we parents had to set a good example even though the bed was calling out to us.. “commmeee baccck.. lieeee dowwwnnn.. relaaaaxxxx..” Jesus trumps bed! 😛

Ate decided that she also wants a mother-daughter act for her debut. I, of course, was flattered. 😉 Yay, I have a part! m/ I was really starting to feel sorry for myself & a little left out for a while there hehe.

Have you watched STEPMOM starring Susan Sarandon & Julia Roberts? Of course you have! I mean WHO HASN’T?? It’s the best mother-daughter movie yet! <3

There’s a scene where Susan Sarandon was singing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough“. Oh-em-gee! Ate & I SOBBED like crazy at this part, so when it was time to pick OUR song, this was the first one that came to mind. Best mother-daughter theme song evah!

There was a HUGE problem though. We weren’t SINGERS!! As in, we can carry a tune (some, anyway), but singing LIVE in front of an audience was a different story. Ate suggested lip synching first, but we nixed the idea right away. Personal was still the best, even though we were both out of tune hehe (reality check!). So when a good friend FAYE volunteered her hubby to help us out, Ate & I were over the moon with joy! m/

Gino owns 8th Note Studios. So, after lunch, we went off to get whatever help we can! 😛

unit 201 Jajaj Bldg, 109 Panay Ave, 1103 Quezon City, Philippines
4166665 / 7992670 / 09209073720

8th Note Studios is a rehearsal facility that features 2 Band rooms and a Dance Room.

They offer stereo recording of rehearsals for Studio A and a basic set up for Studio B (price is higher if recorded). The dance room is spacious and designed with bouncing floors. Pay parking is available at Crossings Mall, which is right beside the building.

From Makati, head North on Edsa. Take the u-turn slot under the Quezon Ave flyover. Cross Quezon Ave and turn right after McDonald’s. Cross 2 intersections. The building is the second to the last before the next corner (Sct. Borromeo)

Bida si Ate..
Syempre, bida rin ako! 😛

Thank you so much CRUZ family for your invaluable help. <3 Don’t know what we would have done without you! 😀

Ever grateful to her tito Gino..
tita Faye! <3
and of course Maxine! <3
and my Lavinia for helping us land the Cruz fmily hehe! ;))
And for the lovely, freshly baked cupcakes!

So excited to learn our dance step this coming saturday. I still have 4 days to recuperate! Gotta load up on them vitamins! 🙂

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