
School Bazaar

My kids had their school bazaar yesterday. They were busy as bees the whole week planning & making their crafts for sale at the bazaar! 🙂

Here is my diligent & artistic ate making some last-minute fans to be sold at the bazaar.
A mere 40 pesos for her artwork. OUTRAGEOUS!!! ;P
They didn’t just buy the fans. They made it from scratch!
I’m so proud of their creativity & dedication! <3 

Rule is everything they sell has to be hand made, self-cooked or activities that they  will plan, man & execute. Proceeds will be used as their class fund to buy materials & food for their SOP (social outreach program) projects.

Here are some pictures from their happy & successful event…

The bazaar was held in the gym. Which was good, coz it rained the whole day.
Ate’s class’ booth.. face painting.
One of the, if not THE, most popular booth! 😉
Of course I also wanted my turn with my ate-love! <3
Ever so proud face-painted mommy,
who reserved & bought 2 of the last fans ate created. 
My babyson & guys in his class meanwhile manned the basketball booth.
Also very popular with the kids…

and moms.. or at least ME, hahaha!
Of course I have to patronize ALL my kids’ booths! 😉
Too bad my babyson’s classmate doesn’t know how to take photos haha!
Most of the photos were of my arms.. or the ball… the air! Here at least he included my face!!! @_@
Made 7 hoops woohoo!!!
My prize? my babyson’s respect.. and 2 glowsticks, hahaha! ;P
Lovey & her friends waiting for their shift to man their food booth.
Here she is selling me the last 3 sticks of their BBQ’s! 😉
Composed of 1 measly meat & 1 big taba hahaha!!! 20 pesos/stick. RIPOFF!!! ;))

Here are some other booths which caught my fancy. The kids are certainly getting more & more creative & bold every year! m/

Classes were suspended at 12 noon.. but this was one time that the kids weren’t in a rush to go home, hahaha! ;P Congratulations on a very successful bazaar!!! m/

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