
Sabado Nights

Ate Marita is back, therefore, Sabado Nights are here again! 😉

Armed with Salmon & Reindeer Sausages (yessss -think RUDOLF!!) from her recent trip to Alaska, ate Marita invited The Clan for dinner the other night. And of course, we happily obliged. <3

Baked red (not the more common pink) salmon which ate Marita
helped catch when she went fishing in Alaska.

and the infamous reindeer sausage.
In case you’re wondering, it tastes just like spicy hungarian sausage.
Loved it (sorry Rudy baby!) 
Another infamous Marita creation -The Nachos ala Marita! 😉
and the yummy petite qeso de bola she also brought back home as appetizer.
Feeling sosyal talaga kami! ;P
Syempre, my dear cook also has an infamous creation of her own..
hindi magpapatalo!
the creamy carbonara with a million & one toppings haha.
This is L-O-V-E I tell you! <3
Mad dash for grub! ;))

My Lovey asked me if we could watch The Dictator. Not knowing anything about the film, I said yes right away. The rest of The Clan decided to watch as well. So off we went, only to find out it was R-13 OMG! @_@ After watching it, I STRONGLY suggest it be rated 18 due to the obscenity, politically incorrect jokes & frontal nudity! GRABE! Admittedly, it was funny (green funny). But not for little kids! Parents, beware!
I was an adult but I still found the language foul.
The kids took it with a grain of salt though & found the movie hilarious.
They LOVE sasha for some reason! @_@
Had some hours to kill so we went to Soderno after. It’s going down the drain, sadly. There were only 4-5 food stalls available. I don’t think this food tent will last ’til December.
Kids has a blast buying from the street food kiosk.
Kwek-kwek 35 php/stick.
Isaw.. or eeeewe-saw! 😛
More eeewe-saw!
while the oldies had BALUT! @_@

It was open mic in soderno. With a little persuasion & a lot of cajoling, Jino went upstage with his avid supporters haha..

Chick boy gives it a shot..
Of course kuya Rolly also hindi magpapatalo, hahaha! 😉

We always have fun with The Clan. We didn’t get to hang around as much once school started -bummer! 🙁 Hopefully we can resume our Sabado Nights now that Ate Marita is back.

We missed Roel’s send-off though. Sigh, another time perhaps. I hope Roel comes back real quick, we will surely miss him! :'(

Congratulations on your new post, Roel! (far left)
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