
Puerto Galera Part 1

The Superfriends Inc had been cooking up a Mindoro adventure way before summer even began. I say “adventure” instead of “vacation” because the men keep our days action-packed. Never a dull (read: relaxing) moment. It’s like they want to cram 365 days of good time into 4 days & 3 nights of summer getaway.

We took the first morning trip to Mindoro aboard a motorized banca via Father & Son ferry, leaving our cars at their batangas port. Cost is about 270 php/person one way with a terminal fee of 30 php each. I was quite apprehensive for our safety as this was all our first time. Kami ang nagmukhang promdi sa pier, lels. We were all wearing our lifevests & wide-brimmed hats and sunnies while the more seasoned travellers were chillaxin’ all the way across the sea, bumpin’ & rollin’ their heads listening to music on their version of ipods. 😛 My advice to you sosyaleras out there, if you value your personal space, charter your own yatch. Kasi siko-to-siko, tuhod-to-tuhod sa bangka! Violation of personal (& breathing) space talaga! ;P

Just half of our 4 families, 24-pax contingent. 
Father & Son Lines 
through security..
It’s not very big, is it? I was really scared & praying hard for our safety across the whole time.
It got filled up very quickly too. 
Even though it was hot, we parents were adamant that everyone wore their lifevests.
Our fellow passengers were probably snickering behind our backs haha.

If you want to know why I’m deathly afraid of riding ferry boats across, READ HERE!
Judith & Jojo are personal friends of Mon Eugenio & condoled with the family when tragedy struck them in 2009.

My Lovey’s current favorite shades. <3
Back & forth, our ferries were filled to the brim.
El Kapitan! ;P
Kuya Rolly booked us at Elizabeth’s Hideaway, since he’s cousins with the owner.
Elizabeth’s Hideaway Beach Resort (formerly Sandbar Boquete Beach Club)
E-mail: elizabethhideaway@ymail.com
For Reservations & inquiries:
Boquete Island, Brgy. Sto.Nino, 5203 Puerto Galera
+63 043-706 3998 / +63 09093371753 / +63 9324409511
With kuya Caloy, the owner of EH.
Rate is 4.5k a night inclusive of a set breakfast for ALL occupants, no matter how many you are (Or maybe that’s just his perk as being cousins with the owner, I’m not really sure). The airconditioned room has 2 queen beds, a small tv & a private bathroom -all old though & could use a bit of sprucing up. The resort itself nice. You have the sea (and all the jellyfish that sting left & right) to yourself, thus the name “hideaway” because not many people know about this place (as opposed to White Beach which is like a mini boracay, the seashore littered with trash, cigaretter butts, candy wrappers, and people of all color, shape & size!). You have a private pool with warm water which, I tell you, is dee-licious after the cold sea water & cool breeze in the late afternoon. Simply wonderful when you want to take a night swim before heading off to bed.
The resort is really nice & quiet.
EH even has a tennis court which tickled the tennis aficionados pink! 😛
It would be better though if they would update the furnishings in the rooms & provide better service (and pillows).
Our rooms (& bathrooms!) were not cleaned during our entire stay (the creepy crawlies on the floor & ON THE BEDS did not help one bit), and our food always took soooooo long to be served.
I also don’t know where the infestation of mosquitoes were coming from seeing we always kept our doors & windows closed.
The pool was heated so nigh swimming was really a wonderful option. Not cold at all. 

The sea was calm & clean, except jelly fish were everywhere and stung us left & right.
Some were beached right on the sand.
Kap’s face had lashes from the jelly fish tentacles, also his back.
While they got my legs since I don’t go naman too deep.
Shetness.. ANG KATI PALA SOBRA!!! @_@ 
The beachfront in EH is so serene & clean compared to those along White Beach which was littered with everything gross imaginable. 
The boys had a great time horsing & goofing around.
While the moms lazed..
and the beauties tried to get a lovely tan. 🙂
Downside is, because it’s privately owned, they keep a very small staff. The kitchen closes at 9pm so if you get hungry at night, chew on the bugs & mosquitoes, which have made a comfy nest & home in the deep crevices of the bed, cabinets, and everywhere else that has a hole! @_@ I’m telling you, I’ve become acquainted with black sunburned lizards (ewe), zebroaches (zebra-colored cockroaches (ewe), blood-hungry mosquitoes (ewe) & a couple of other whatnots (ewe) during our stay there. Every day I’m reminded why I’m a city girl.

Service is also really terrible since the restaurant only has 2-3 waiters and it took forever & a half for our orders to arrive. Smiles would have been greatly appreciated & should have covered a multitude of sins. Our rooms were also not cleaned during our entire stay there so you can just imagine the state of our bathroom (and bedroom) after our full day of activities at sea. Sand galore. This also affirms the mantra I greatly believe in.. you can’t have everything in life. The beauty & grandeur of God’s creation has to be leveled by bugs & sucky service. ;P

As expected with resorts, food can be very expensive.
This puny chicken inasal which our servers said is good for 2 people costs 300 php ++.
So if you’re on a tight budget, do bring chips & snacks to tide you over ’til the next meal.
Binagoongang Baboy (Taba ng Baboy, lels) 320 php ++ 
Sizzling Garlic Chicken 320 php ++ 
The 4 familes that LOVE to EAT!!! @_@
The only saving grace in their restaurant, if at all, is their crunchy pizza..
Pizza Sandbar 540 php ++
Part 2 next! 🙂
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  • Reply Paper Treats

    Highway robbery!!!

    April 8, 2013 at 8:50 am
  • Reply Techoy

    yikes neighbor, I won't be able yata to handle the room not being cleaned during the whole stay, especially if sand is tracked into the room. medyo sanay na ako sa mga bugs & crawlies kasi if you are by the beach surrounded by trees & mountains often, part of life na yan. but whatever you went through is a big no-no! especially unpleasant staff!

    April 8, 2013 at 10:12 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    hay.. oo nga. By the time we get back to the resort it's evening na so no more chance to call someone to clean. Baka their policyis they only clean if you request? Kasi every day talaga that we come back the room (bathroom included) is still dirty, the same used towel, lack of replacement toiletries, and unmade bed/unswept floors. I have to ask the rest if they also expereinced the same thing 🙂

    April 8, 2013 at 11:45 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    hahaha!! :))

    April 8, 2013 at 3:04 pm
  • Reply stargazer

    I think that's White Beach's advantage: more people means more places to eat at more affordable prices. And the bars, oh yes, the bars. Alcohol makes things a LOT better. =P

    April 10, 2013 at 9:57 am
  • Reply Carlos Garcia

    Hello…This is Carlos…your Tito Rolly’s cousin… thank u for the nice comments you’ve written …I’m sorry for the not so pleasant experience you had during your stay in our place…you should have told us right away thru Rolly so we could have done something about it right there & then…sometimes these are the things that we don’t know …regarding the making-up room policy…you are right, since we value the guest’s room privacy. Anyway we would like to thank you and your family and my sincerest apology for what had happen…God bless

    November 17, 2013 at 7:57 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Hi kuya Carlos! 🙂 No stay is ever perfect, even in 5 star hotels. There will always be glitches. Like I said, your resort is really nice compared to the rest we’ve seen, it just needs some improvements to make it a really wonderful place to hie off to. 🙂 As for the jellyfish & creepy crawlies, I know that’s already beyond your control haha.

      November 17, 2013 at 8:47 pm

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