My Kids Others

Of Red Balloons & Letting Go

One of my daughter’s bestest friends just very recently lost her mother to the big C. My daughter came home upset & tearful. It’s obvious that she’d been crying on her way home, her eyes all puffy. I knew she had bad news. The mom has been sick & it was just a matter of days before she had to bid farewell to those she loved. So when my daughter came home in very low spirits, I knew. I knew that the end had come.

In tears, my daughter told me that she can’t imagine anyone living in a world without a mom. I knew in her heart & in her unspoken words, that she meant SHE can’t live in a world without ME, but was too afraid to say it.

Our relationship from the onset has really been unique. Not your usual mother & daughter. Oftentimes, its the mother who has so much love for her children. But with this particular daughter, her love for me is really overwhelming, and overflowing. Which is why I’m afraid. Not for me, but for her. I’m afraid of what will happen to her when God forbids, I should go.

Many instances, I have felt her abounding love. Whenever I’m upset, she gets more upset because I’m upset. So I’ve been learning to control my emotions. She doesn’t like it when I’m put in a bad light, or when I’m taken advantage of. My enemies are her enemies, and she would fight my greatest battles alongside me. She truly loves me more than she loves life itself.

I don’t know what I did to deserve such love & devotion, but I’m so grateful that someone could love me this deep. At the same time, I am so fearful of what will happen when we can no longer be together. That is my worst & greatest fear. That she won’t be able to function without me.




I haven’t asked the permission of my daughter’s friend to post this. I hope she won’t mind me borrowing an excerpt. It’s too beautiful & profound not to share with people who might be on the same road..

People often confuse letting go with forgetting, when in fact, a thin line between the two exists. It is as if buying that red balloon you have wanted for weeks and wanting to hold on to it forever, but knowing that the balloon will eventually pop, but still hoping that it won’t. It is as if hoping that before the balloon flies away, you get to hold the thread for one last time, and secretly hoping that somehow it gets tangled in one of your fingers, secretly hoping that it won’t slip away. People say that part of letting go is forgetting, but I say part of letting go is accepting. Acceptance takes a lot of courage.  It takes an adequate amount of bravery and trust to accept that no matter how difficult the coming changes will be, storms do not last forever. It is in accepting the fact that even if the red balloon flies away or pops eventually, it already served its purpose in your life.

I know that her friend is hurting. I know how it’s a struggle to wake up every morning, to act like every day is just the same as the past 20 years even though it’s not. To smile, to talk even though a big chunk of her life is now missing & she just wants to bury herself in misery and sorrow. But I admire her spunk & bravery in standing up courageously & trying to move on in spite of. It’s what you call self-preservation. It’s what you call fighting for your life & struggling to keep alive even though you feel dead inside. Ultimately, things will get better. The pain will always be there, but in time, it will lessen. In time, it will be bearable.

This is what I want for my children. To love me while I am still with them, but to also learn to let go when I can’t be with them anymore. To celebrate my life, but also be able to celebrate their own long after I am gone. I don’t want them to always be living in the past. They have such bright futures ahead of them and I want them to embrace the future head on.

For their sake, I pray to God each night that He would grant me the gift of more years to spend. More memories to build with them that will last them a lifetime. But when the time comes, as I know it must, I pray that they too will be able to let that balloon go, albeit with a heavy heart. Knowing full well that someday, we will be together again. How much I love them, and how much I know that they loved me. <3


For those of you who may be grieving -or know of people who are grieving, DO TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS.

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  • Reply Noel Q.

    *sniff* sniff* — yun lang… di ako makapag-type, punong-puno ng luha mata ko…

    October 5, 2014 at 12:04 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      hehehe funny pa rin! :))

      October 5, 2014 at 1:37 pm
      • Reply Noel Q.

        Anovey!!! Emote na emote pa naman ako dito kasi di ko maisip ang isang mundong walang isang Jane Go, tapos pinagtawanan ako? Tama ba yaaaan? hahahaha…

        Nagpunta ka lang nga ng ilang araw sa bohol dati, parang di na ganoong kaliwanag dito sa maynila. =)

        October 5, 2014 at 1:52 pm
        • Reply sugargospice

          awwwwwww!! Kiliggity naman! <3 Thank you Niel!! :-*

          October 5, 2014 at 3:24 pm
  • Reply Maricel hipol

    Ms. Jane 🙁 I lost my father last March after 2 months of battling liver cancer. Life has never been the same.
    My son, who Dad adores, missed the chance of growing up with Lolo around.
    I dread Christmas 🙁 I also pray to God to give me more years, for my son.

    October 5, 2014 at 1:32 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      oh no!! Our condolences, Maricel! October 5, 2014 at 1:36 pm

  • Reply candy pino

    There’s a big ball of something in my throat, I can’t breathe, as I read your post today, Ms. Jane. I also cannot imagine my life, even when I am now happily married for 11 years, without my parents in it. Every night, I knock on heaven’s doors to please make them live longer and gracefully, spared from the pains of growing old.

    Your journey to a healthy you is a living testament of how much you love your children (and Kap) so you can live longer for them.

    October 5, 2014 at 5:22 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Hi Candy! <3 I know what you mean. Sometimes in the middle of the night I also start having panic attacks at the mere thought of losing a loved one. If only they could live forever right? :'(

      October 5, 2014 at 5:31 pm
  • Reply Jing

    Teary-eyed here, Mommy Jane…pain is still the same after I lost my Naynay 4 years ago to the big C…maybe the pain will stay that way, I will just get used to it and get used to live without Nanay…I visited her yesterday and asked her to pray to God to give me ample time to be with my kids and hubby. I will forever miss her….May all good mothers be blessed!

    October 6, 2014 at 11:33 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      I’m truly so sorry for your loss. The world really isn’t complete without our mothers. Sending you my love & warmest, tightest hug, Jing! <3

      October 6, 2014 at 1:24 pm
  • Reply med

    You made me cry today…

    October 7, 2014 at 8:50 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Awwwww sorry my dear meding. 🙁 Back to regular comedy programming na uli haha.

      October 7, 2014 at 10:01 am
  • Reply janaury

    wish all mothers think the same way that you do 🙂

    October 7, 2014 at 11:44 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you elna. :-*

      October 7, 2014 at 1:20 pm

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