
My Honey, My Hero!

“Ultimate All-Star Weekend” Confirmed

The two day series will feature eight NBA players taking on the developmental Philippine national basketball team—Smart Gilas Pilipinas, and a team of selected PBA players. From the Philippine Star: “ Former NBA Rookie of the Year Chris Paul is joining five-time champion Kobe Bryant in the starting five of the NBA selection playing Smart Gilas Pilipinas and a PBA selection in a dream two-game series set July 23 and 24 at the Araneta Coliseum. MVP Sports Foundation officials Al Panlilio and Chot Reyes announced in a press conference last night that the blockbuster event is a go. […] The Los Angeles Lakers star, who played eight minutes with the UAAP All-Stars against Smart Gilas in a Nike event at the Big Dome Wednesday, will be back serving as player-coach of an eight-man NBA selection including Paul, Tyreke Evans of the Sacramento Kings, James Harden of the Oklahoma Thunder, DeAndre Jordan of the Los Angeles Clippers and Derrick Williams of the Minnesota Timberwolves. Reyes said they’re still finalizing a deal with two more players that would complete the NBA team. ‘It could be one more MVP and one more Rookie of the Year,’ said Reyes, hinting they might also get the nod of reigning MVP Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls and former ROY awardee and two-time scoring champion Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma Thunder.”
My baby son LOVES basketball! So a couple of days before the ULTIMATE ALL-STAR NBA WEEKEND was confirmed, he asked me if he & his dad could watch! I said “no problem!” So all the while he though.. NO PROBLEM! (meaning, he WILL watch) @_@
My babyson LOVES basketball..
as in he doesn’t just play it & watch it. He also GOOGLES & READS anything about basketball.
Game stats, interviews, name it! @_@

Boy was I in a state of shock when my hunny went to Ticketnet only to find out that the tickets were ALL SOLD OUT!!! The only tickets left were the ones in the bleachers & upper box B which didn’t have reserved seating. My hunny didn’t buy tickets anymore because he knew they would have to line up very early in the morning just to get seats for the 1pm game on Sunday.

When he told our son that he didn’t buy tickets, my babyson’s face was crestfallen! :(( You have to understand that in our family, a promise is a promise. We would really move heaven & earth and do everything we can to fulfill that promise. That’s why we don’t give it loosely because we always find ourselves in deep SH*T! @_@

So, upon seeing his face, we back-tracked & tried to get the upper box B tickets even though it means they would have to go extra early & endure the long queue! EPIC FAIL!!! Even the bleacher seats were sold out! :((

Okay, by then my Hunny & I were in a quandary. We tried asking favors from everyone we knew to get those precious tickets, to no avail. We were losing hope fast. And I was getting teary! :'((

Last night, during our family prayer, my Hunny prayed for tickets because he knew it was really the desire of our boy’s heart. I know it seems so trivial when others have so little & we have so much already. But hey, this was also a lesson in the power of prayer for the young ones! 😛

And true enough, God is soooo good! <3 Our kumpadre (Lovey’s ninong) & the dad of my baby son’s best girl friend (yes, the tall one teehee!) got us 2 tickets for upper box A which had reserved seating!!! Yay!!! :D/ My hunny came home for lunch today & quietly gave me the tickets! After I harped on him all morning for not doing the best he can when all the while he was doing just that! :(( My poor poor hunny! I am such an evil brat! This time, I not only cried buckets, but a RIVER of tears for the mixture of shame, guilt & happiness! 😛

Nonoy’s sister was the one who brought the players into the country, so he was able to
get us tickets this late in the day! At no extra padded cost to boot! Thank you so so so much, Noy! :-*

This is no small feat, mind you! We tried buying from scalpers but balked at the price they set out! @_@ For bleachers they were selling at 3.5k each! For Upper box B (no reserved seats) as high as 7,5k each! (from the original price of 800) Hello.. are you crazy??? And worst of all, 40k for patron seats (from 5k). What CR*P!!! :(( So thank you thank you Noy for being a great friend!!! <3

For now, my hunny pie wants to keep this blessing a secret from our son. I’m itching to see the reaction on my baby son’s face but I also want it to be the ultimate surprise at the right timing!!! So I’ll patiently wait in the sidelines, with camera ready.. to capture his reaction. It will surely be the highlight of his day.. year, even! ;))

To my honey who always manages to surprise & amaze me. And who comes through where it counts the most.. THANK YOU! You truly are my hero! <3

My 2 heroes!! Noy & my Hunny pie! <3
(This picture was taken a while back, on my hunny’s 40th birthday celebration.)
And of course, more importantly, to our Dear God, thank you so very much for this wonderful blessing. You always come through for us in all our needs & requests. You continue to give us heaps upon heaps of blessings, not just materially, but where it counts the most, and we thank you so much for it! <3 Please always keep us safe, healthy & happy in your love & protection. Amen! :-*

PS:  Here’s our son’s reaction after his dad finally gave him the tickets saturday!!! 😉 forgive our messy room! 😛

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