Celebrations & Occasions Food & Dining The GOppets

Mother’s Day 2019

As I Watch You Grow

Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart. <3
It’s there you’ll always be, though your own life will now start.

You’re growing so fast it sends me awhirl,
With misty eyes I ask, Where’s my little chile?
I know sometimes to you I seem strict and so unfair,
But one day you will see, I value you well because I care.

The next few years will so quickly fly,
With laughter and joy, mixed with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to adulthood, this fact you must know,
You’ll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.

You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear,
For all you dreams and goals sit before you very near.
With God’s love in your heart and the world by its tail,
You’ll always be my winner, and victory will prevail.

Thank you giblings, for always making me feel so very loved & special! <3 Because of you, I am the luckiest mom alive. :-*

I will hold you up when you can’t stand. I will wipe away your tears when you cry. I will fight for you when you give up. nd I will love you -forever & always! :-*


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