
A Merry Friggin’ Christmas!

Aaaaaaand it’s DECEMBER already!!! Because it’s the first day of Christmas (is it??? start na ba ng sambaing gabi?), I am giving you an early Christmas gift. If you like the late ROBIN WILLIAMS, then CLICK HERE to watch his LAST EVER movie, A MERRY FRIGGIN’ CHRISTMAS! before it even comes out in the Cinemas here. Cheers! :-*


“A Merry Friggin’ Christmas follows Boyd Mitchler (Joel McHale) and his wife Luann (Lauren Graham) as they spend a dreaded Chrismas with Boyd’s father Mitch (Robin Williams) and his family of misfits. Upon realizing that he has left all of his son’s gifts at home, Boyd hits the road with his father and younger brother in an attempt to make the 8-hour round trip before sunrise.” Enjoy! <3


This story is about a father-son’s topsy turvy relationship. Kinda hits close to home for me. Out of all the Christmases I’ve had -17 of which my dad was alive, I can only distinctly remember 1 Christmas with him. I was 14 or 15 I think? My parents lived separately for a good number of reasons. And we went to visit him one Christmas day.

I remember a stoic atmosphere with my other relatives from his side of the family. And as far as gifts went, come opening time, he called us to form a line & gave each of us similar unmarked envelopes with a corporate check inside. We all had the same gift -a check for 800 pesos. #mostmemorablechristmaseverspentwithdad

It reeeeeally made me feel so special, getting the same gift and same amount as all of my cousins. That’s the most personal he’s gotten with me through all the years. And that’s the only memory I have of Christmas with him. Sad, isn’t it? Not because of the material things I wish I had gotten. But gosh, a pat on the head would have been good, just to separate me from all my cousins. I am after all, his child! @_@

I guess growing up in such situations have hardened my heart through the years & toughened me up so I grew up not expecting. Gifts were a rarity, almost non-existent. What we wanted, my mom bought for us. No wrappings necessary. I remember mostly trees at home over the years with empty boxes wrapped up & used for decoration purposes only. Christmas came & went like a regular day. Which is why Christmas is so important for me this present time. I really take pains in preparing simple, yet sentimental holiday decors & wrapping gifts for my own kids to open. And I am a stickler for family tradition. Something I never had growing up.


My Christmas tree may be small & outdated, same year after year, but it brings so many happy memories of Chistmases spent with my loving hubby & kids that I can’t bear to part with anything due to sentimental reasons. That personalized Winnie the Pooh tree skirt has been with me ever since the kids were just crawling & has seen so many jolly Christmasses with The GOppets. I will never exchange it for something elegant -simply because the memories it brings me is so priceless.

The Chirstmas story above for the father & son had a good & happy ending. Too bad I can’t say the same with mine. My dad died alone, unloved, and there was no chance for us to kiss & make up before the end came. But thankfully, God gave me a new story. A new life filled with love, and happiness, and so much attention, tight hugs & sloppy kisses. Of all the Christmas gifts I could have ever hoped or wished for, He gave to me my gifts perfectly wrapped, individually marked, and presented with love. Mi familia. <3 It doesn’t take away past hurts, or diminish it. But it sure makes up for my sad past super kaduper big time! 😉


I make make sure with every fiber of my being that my kids grow up feeling loved, appreciated, and very much wanted. <3


Than you so much God for making it up to me! 🙂

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  • Reply Noel Q.

    It’s so nice that you were positively shaped by your past to make you the person you are now… one that refuses to become bitter but instead turns her experiences into life lessons and emerge all the better. You shall know them by their fruits, and your children are a testament to the person you’ve now become.

    Have a great day Jane! Mwah!

    December 1, 2014 at 8:10 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you Niel. <3 Mej ampalaya pa tin hanggang ngayon haha hindi maka-get over! 😛

      December 1, 2014 at 10:52 am
  • Reply med


    Ano ba Lunes na Lunes at Paskong-Pasko pinapaiyak mo ako!
    X O X O

    Super love this post. Thanks for sharing.

    December 1, 2014 at 8:56 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Sige bukas naman masaya para equals hahaha. Thank you meding! :-*

      December 1, 2014 at 10:52 am
  • Reply kei aclaro

    Ms. Jane, this post brought back the memories when we were young and we had to spend the Holidays with just my mom too. My dad is an “absentee” father as well. I feel you… But God made up for your childhood pain by providing you with a very loving and warm family of your own. No more pain. Just joy and pure bliss every Holiday season.

    Anyway, I’ll be sure to watch this movie. Sad man sa umpisa, as you’ve mentioned, may happy ending naman. Sabi nga po di ba, for every gray cloud there’s a silver lining. We’ve found our silver linings in life – our own family. That’s the BEST present we have received!

    December 1, 2014 at 8:59 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Kei! :-*

      December 1, 2014 at 10:53 am
  • Reply Cherryll

    This! It got me sentimental early in the morning. I really adore your family and wish for nothing but the best to come for all of you. I thank God I have a very good relationship with my parents and siblings. I’m getting married so I surround myself with people/families I can look up to. Keep up, Ms. Jane!

    December 1, 2014 at 10:09 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you cherryll I’m so excited for your big day. Remember wedding is only for a day so don’t get too stressed that you don’t get to enjoy it. Marriage is forever. :-*

      December 1, 2014 at 10:55 am
      • Reply Cherryll

        Thank you! I’m surprised din nga that I am not yet stressed. Our wedding preps became our bonding activity pa. I’ll see you before we get married. Magpeprepare muna ko. Hahaha.

        December 2, 2014 at 9:04 am
        • Reply sugargospice

          Yes I hope we meet soon so I can hug you & wish you happiness in person. Mwah! :-*

          December 2, 2014 at 9:59 am
  • Reply Chel

    Hi Miss Jane,

    Bittersweet post. But I love, love, love it! Your dad probably just had his own way of showing love – or maybe like stereotypical macho dads, he didn’t want to show emotions. Anyway, what’s important is that now you’re showering overflowing love and affection to your babykids! <3

    Merry Christmas, Miss Jane. I will be looking forward to more of your posts, especially this holiday season. (First Christmas in Australia, second Christmas away from home!)

    December 1, 2014 at 4:06 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      And I want to know how Christmas is in Australia. Masaya din ba? Or walang tatalo sa ‘Pinas hahaha! Thank you Chel! :-*

      December 1, 2014 at 6:23 pm
      • Reply Chel

        Napaka-init! At parang walang masyadong nagsa shopping!! I miss Christmas bazaars and Greenhills!

        December 1, 2014 at 7:12 pm
        • Reply sugargospice

          hahaha yes to greenhills shopping! <3

          December 1, 2014 at 7:14 pm
  • Reply edelweiza

    Awwww, it’s nice that you chose love instead of hate, forgiveness instead of punishment. I’d like to believe you are so blessed today because of your positive attitude! Merry Christmas, Miss Jane! 🙂

    P.S. I remember last Christmas yata yun, tig-iisang big sack of gifts ang mga GOffets. Ano kaya pakulo nyo this time?! 🙂

    December 1, 2014 at 5:35 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Haaaaay ang hirap na punuin ang sako nila Edel kasi things that I will buy baka hindi na nila type. Paiba-iba na ang taste nila so maybe just 1 nice thing that I know they will really, really like. 🙂

      December 1, 2014 at 6:22 pm
  • Reply Jing

    Kahapon ko pa gusto mag comment but I got sentimental…I grew up having both parents around. But it was sad that when I was in my mature age, my nanay shared to me all her sentiments about my tatay. I was even the one who found out about his secret affair (18 years of lying,san ka pa, active pa yan sa marriage encounter ha) ..up to now that Im in my late 30’s,I still cant forgive and sometimes blame him that I lost a mom 4years ago …yes, God is great, because He gave me a good husband and wonderful kids. I always pray that my hate for my father will someday be taken away…but for now, I will just do my best to nurture the family that He blessed me with…good morning,Mommy Jane! 🙂

    December 2, 2014 at 9:06 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you for this Jing. I feel bad that I can’t seem to shake off my past hurts no matter how hard I try. I guess the wounds our fathers cut are deep that we both need time to heal pa. I really appreciate that you took the time to share this, I feel that I am not alone in my feelings. I pray for peace for both of us. Mwah! :-*

      December 2, 2014 at 9:58 am

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