

A reader & co-blogger, MEL VELARDE of MELVEL’S CLOSET commented on my Givenchy post. She fell in love with the tri-color bag I featured. Being a baghag, I know EXACTLY how she felt. No matter how many other beautiful bags you already own, it’s like there’s still a big chunk missing in your life and you just need to fill it with what the heart desires. ;))

So I hopped on over to her blog site & emailed her. We could have a Dutyfree blind date! 😉

Mel, so happy with her latest acquisition! 😉 Love her new tri-color pandora bag! <3

It was so timely too coz my 2 girl friends also wanted to buy some stuff from DFS, so 2 heads are better than one, it’s like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone.. err, tama ba? :))
Reg also bought such pretty Ferragamo shoes that were slashed 30% off! <#
Bagay na bagay!
While BFF Faye bought make up stuff. It really was a very kikay kind of day. ;))
Shu Uemura products here are like 1/3 cheaper than the price in manila stores. Thus the hoarding haha.

I was so dee-lighted in being an instrument to Mel’s happiness! Girls & bags, they’re like peanut butter & jelly. They simply go together! 😉

It was nice meeting you Mel! And thank you soooo very much for my uber yummy & sosi goodies from THE ROYAL TOUCH CUPCAKES!!! <3

The Royal Touch Cupcakes
SM Aura Premier
McKinley Hill, Taguig(02) 556-0756

Not only are they so very pretty, but they are oh-so-yummy as well! <3
Thank you so much, Mel, for your thoughtfulness! :-*

By the time we finished shopping, we were all FAMISHED! So we just ran across to Luk Foo for some peking duck goodness! <3

Hot & Sour Soup
Assorted Cold Cuts
Peking Duck Wrap
Minced Peking Duck
Garlic Steamed Fish with Eggplant
Salt & Peppered Ribs
Pineapple Fried Rice
Hungry people. Can you see how much food we ordered??? ;))
Gotta go now to prepare for my babyson’s house party with his new school friends. I want them to always feel welcome & comfortable in our home. I just hope nobody goes home dead drunk -or PARTY OVER!!! @_@
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  • Reply melvel

    Thank you Jane my fairy godmother! Let's have lunch soon!

    July 14, 2013 at 8:31 am
  • Reply cheekeegirl

    Ang bait2x mo talaga Ms. Jane… Sana andaming kasing yaman mo ang very sincere and very thoughtful. I'm so touched by you. Parang nafi-feel ko ang na feel ni melvel… Wla kang kasing bait na tunay!!! God bless you more

    July 15, 2013 at 2:14 am
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Most welcome Mel! <3

    July 15, 2013 at 3:37 am
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Thank you Donna, but I didn't do anything, really. Si Mel ang nagbayad ng bag nya hahaha. 🙂

    July 15, 2013 at 3:37 am
  • Reply michymichymoo

    You're such an angel, Ms. Jane! 🙂

    July 16, 2013 at 3:25 am
  • Reply Kasseopeia

    You are not blessed because you're good. You are good because you're blessed.Yan si Jane: blessed to the nth level! 😉

    July 16, 2013 at 4:56 am
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Angel na may sungay? hahaha! ;)) mwah! :-*

    July 16, 2013 at 10:56 am
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    yes I'm truly blessed! <3 Thank you kassie! But believe me, I'm not all good hahaha. ;))

    July 16, 2013 at 10:58 am
  • Reply Albert-ERT

    A down to earth person…may your tribe increase… ;D

    July 17, 2013 at 7:37 pm
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Thank you, Albert. 🙂

    July 18, 2013 at 12:53 am
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