
Love Makes the World Go Round

To my ever dearest Readers,

Thank you so much for your help & suggestions with my S.O.S. shout-out yesterday. <3 I was finally able to get an Achilles costume for my babyson’s monologue in school from CAMP SUKI because of your help. <3 Yay! I’m not gonna be a failure as a mother after all, lels.

CAMP SUKI deals in the manufacture and rental of costumes, specializing in period and contemporary costumes and accessories. CAMP SUKI is a pioneering venture in the rental of formal wear and costumes, established in 1979 and is the only one of its kind in Manila.
Camp Suki is located at:
#88 4th Street, New Manila,
Quezon City, Philippines
(beside Mt. Carmel Church)
Tel. No: (63-2) 725-0819
Cell Number: 0927-975-1683
Email address: lito_pperez@yahoo.com
Rental fee of 1k & refundable deposit fee of 1k solved my problem! m/
Special thanks to my babyson who agreed to don the costume for my blog haha even though his heart wasn’t in it. #swagdowngrade He is so cooperative! <3
I have another shoutout, if you don’t mind. I’ve been googling & googling on how to send a PERISHABLE care package to a reader from Tokyo, Japan who’s been bedridden for quite some time now. I didn’t ask her permission to post these pictures, I hope it’s ok, as I’m doing it out of love. <3 Please let me know immediately if you want me to take this down, Agatha. 🙂

Seeing I can’t send her the persihable care package as it will surely spoil on the way, I would like to send her love, encouragement & support instead in these trying times.

Please let me know if there is a way I can send perishable goodies such as the ones above to Tokyo, Japan so I can send some pinoy lovin’ to Agatha. 
You see, dear readers, it’s so hard to feel so incapacitated. It’s lonely to be confined to a hospital bed, alone & anxious, for an indefinite amount of time in order to save your unborn child. For me, this mom is a hero. She is sacrificing herself & her sanity for her precious baby.
She has another one whom she had to leave for a while & she misses her adorable older daughter sorely, but cannot be with due to her condition. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through.
Please, let us pray for her. That the baby will reach full gestational age & that both mom and child will have a safe delivery & a speedy recovery so Agatha can finally leave the hospital & enjoy the beauty of the cherry blossoms (is it in season na kaya?) in her beautiful adopted country. <3
May I request that you drop her a line or two through her Instagram account? A little love, support, and encouragement goes a long long way. 🙂
I would also like to thank a fellow blogger & friend HOLDTHATPLATE who sent me yummy tacos! She has plenty of great recipes & is so very nice to share it with her readers. If you’re a mommy who loves to cook & prepare food with lots & lots of love, Isabel’s site is definitely for you. 😉
I follow her on Instagram, and believe me. Her food posts NEVER FAIL to make me drool!!! <3
She’s one hella cooking diva!
Het tacos are soooooo heavenly delish!!! <3
Find her secret recipe on her blog page! 🙂
along with her special sauce. <3

Love, Love, Love. We should share it all around. Love makes the world go round, after all! <3

Hugs & Kisses,

Your Jane 🙂

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  • Reply xoxoMrsMartinez | Mrs-Martinez.com

    Hello Jane!You went to New Manila pala! Sad naman I live so close. I hope to see you soon!xoxoMrsMartinez

    July 20, 2013 at 4:06 am
  • Reply ida nones

    Hi Jane! Just want to share that I had a similar experience with Agatha. I was on bed rest and in and out of the hospital from 23 weeks until I gave birth at 35 weeks and 4 days. Your blog kept me company through it all 🙂 my baby was 5lbs 7ounces and was at the NICU for ten days. Now, he is a healthy 13lbs 3 month old baby 🙂 just want her to know that I know it's been crazy difficult but all the sacrifice is worth it 🙂

    July 20, 2013 at 1:23 pm
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Thank you so much ida for your words of upliftment. Hopefully, Agatha will be able to hang in there & have more patience as she waits for her baby to be strong enough for a safe delivery. I'm so very happy that your baby is now healthy. I wish you many wonderful years filled with love and joy!! <3 Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. Here's a great big hug going your way!! >:-*<

    July 20, 2013 at 2:48 pm
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    Hi michelle! 🙂 No, I didn't go to new manila haha. I asked jana's beloved driver to go. i had mommy duties with the other 2 that day 🙂 Hope to see you soon too!!! :-*

    July 20, 2013 at 2:50 pm
  • Reply Lea Barote

    Jane , please try Johnny AirCargo

    July 20, 2013 at 11:50 pm
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