
Krazy Garlic (Back to School – Totoo na!)

Brought the 2 kids to their first day of school today. Everything is sparkling & brand new. New shoes, new bags, new uniforms.. and best of all, they have a chance for a new life, a do-over. That’s all I ever wanted for them from the start. To EXPERIENCE high school life the best way they can. Have friends, lots & lots of them. Have proms, have clubs. Have a canteen, for goodness sake! 🙂

Mah bebe loves!! <3
The superfriends kids are complete under 1 roof! 😛
I should have enrolled them in a big school from the start. I’ve always been a control freak so I thought a small school would be better, and I could keep an eye on them. I’ve always been afraid to let them go so I’ve coddled & shielded them the best that I can… from the bad, but also from the good. It is only now that I’m slowly realizing how I put them in such a small box by doing so. But no regrets. They are who they are now because of their foundation from their old school, so I hope they will carry what morals, ethics, & principles they have learned and use it for self advancement & enhancement in their big new school.

Their first day brought out a mixture of jumbled emotions in me. Worried -that they might not make friends right away & not have someone to eat with during lunch. Anxious -that they’ll have the wrong kind of friends & get mixed with the “bad” crowd. Excited -that finally they have a chance at a normal high school life. Happy -that they will be exposed to so many school activities that will help them develop & grow. Mixed emotions. I can only hope & pray that I am doing right by them.

To celebrate (or mourn) their last day of freedom, I treated them last friday to a “prisoner’s last meal” at Krazy Garlik, lels. I ordered food like there’s no tomorrow. And we all finished every single morsel, to my astonishment! I know dates like these will be far & in between now that they’re back in school, so the nurturing mommy in me wanted to fill them up with nourishment before I let out out into the big bad world. 😛

I used my Bistro Premiere 40% off voucher which got me a 1,200 php discount. Yay! m/
Cocktail by the Liter 225 php
Orange Kiss. Just for me! 😛 
40 Kloves Chicken (whole)  695 php
3 words.. We. Loved. It. <3
KG Veggies 285 php. 
Crispy Pata 695 php
All bones, very little meat. NOT sulit. Sayang, I loved the crispy, crunchy skin!
Sesame Beef 250 php. Yummy to the last bite! <3
Tuna Belly 425 php
Hara Kiri Rice 375 php
Loved every spicy morsel! <3
Yay the kids are complete! <3
Happy mommy.
Crepe Dynamite 395 php
Catalana 195 php
I didn’t care much for the candied garlic on top.
There was an overall taste of garlic seeping within the brulee as well which I didn’t appreciate in this dessert. Too bad..
Apple Tart 225 php
Yum. <3

Even as I write, I can’t help but feel anxious as to how their day is going. I’m really really hoping that they are having the best time of their lives & making tons of new (good) friends. The only thing holding me back from going back to their school now is that I am left with no car.. Kap made sure of that! Boo! Buzzkill! 😛

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  • Reply Kasseopeia

    Naku, Mommy Jane. I'm sure my mom had the same worries when I went to high school… naka-dorm pa ako in-campus! But I think after Day 1, hindi na nya ako na-miss. Hahahaha!I think you have done your best for them, Jane – they are beautiful children inside and out – because you have nurtured them and gave them the best that is humanly possible. Relax; God is always with them. 🙂

    June 17, 2013 at 5:24 am
  • Reply mr_jeng

    WOW!!!!! Super Yummmy food 😀 😀 😀 Don't worry po mama bear 😀 😀 😀 !! I am sure that your kids would be awesome and would ROCK that new school po 😀 😀 😀 Kayang kaya yan 😀

    June 17, 2013 at 5:52 am
  • Reply Techoy

    Janey, our kids have to grow up some time so putting them in a bigger school is one way of teaching them to fend for themselves. and rely on their own "kakayahan". I know a lot of people that transferred their kids to this school & they "blossomed". welcome to "Z" Jonah & Jena!

    June 17, 2013 at 1:31 pm
  • Reply Photo Cache

    it's normal to worry and second guess your choices as a mother, but in the end just follow your heart and your heart will always tell you you love the kids and only want the very best for them.i love garlic, so this is just the right place for me. i'm so inggit with the garlic fried rice and fried chicken. how's the cocktail?

    June 17, 2013 at 6:22 pm
  • Reply erika

    I love their 40 kloves chicken! Even their pasta masarap! I will miss Alaang, will transfer to Makati na eh

    June 18, 2013 at 12:40 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Thank you Kassie for your words of comfort! I really needed it. Love you, thank you for always being there for me. Mwah mwah!!! <3

    June 18, 2013 at 2:46 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    I really really hope so, baby bear!!! Thank you sa pampa-lakas loob! :-*

    June 18, 2013 at 2:48 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Thank you so much, Techoy. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me & I can't think clearly, lalo na pag may waterworks hay. I'm glad my baby girl is coming around & is giving her new school a chance. Please continue to pray with me for the 2 kids. Thank you for the moral support Techoy, you just don't know how much it means to me. Mwah mwah!! :-*

    June 18, 2013 at 2:50 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Thank you for your words of wisdom! <3 The cocktail was a bit strong for early dinner haha. Tinamaan agad ako halfway so I didn't get to finish it. My drinking buddy is on a diet so she didn't get to drink with me (very good!) ;P Pag-uwi mo, cocktails tayo! 🙂

    June 18, 2013 at 2:53 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Awwww!!! :(( Hindi ka na 5 tumblings away from me??? SAD!!! </3

    June 18, 2013 at 2:54 pm
  • Reply erika

    Yes and it breaks my heart na di man lang kita nakasalubong sa atc! Di bale may weekends nAman sana makasalubong kita!

    June 18, 2013 at 8:58 pm
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