
Just call me mrs. Braveheart!

Yes, I can now be called mrs. Braveheart! ;P Yesterday, the kids & I went to tagaytay to have salad & pasta at our favorite hangout. My hunny CANNOT be distracted during his tennis days come hell or high water, so once again, I am what we have now resigned ourselves to call an OFW (overseas foreign worker) mother! @_@

I don’t want to forever rely on my mom’s driver when my Honey pie is too busy (or too lazy) to drive us, so the kids & I decided to take matters into my own hands. I DROVE!!! :)) Of course I can’t take credit for myself. I had my trusted wingman right beside me, navigating the way! ;)) Remember, I am a person with no sense of direction whatsoever. so going all the way to tagaytay was a test of faith, hahaha!!!

Driving at 100kmp is way beyond my comfort zone!!! @_@

We were so happy with not getting lost, hahaha! 😛 This called for a celebration, indeed!
My beautiful ate had 2 FULL plates of pasta!!! TAKAW, hahaha! 😛
My baby son had 2 half plates of pasta ON TOP of his overflowing salad!
My baby doll had 2 full plates but didn’t finish. Takaw-tingin, BAD! 😛

Let’s not talk about what I had nalang, nakakahiya hahaha! 😛
After that delicious lunch, we went off to nuvali to bike! <3 The kids & I used to bike around our village a lot, but after a while got bored to the point that we stopped.. the bikes got rusty.. therefore we sold the bikes. It’s been a really long time since we all rode bikes so when I suggested it to the kids, they were GAME! 🙂

Ate is SUPER LAZY haha so I was glad she was game when I suggested we go biking!
Bike rental was 60php/person for an hour. Not bad, really. Except for the helmet-wearing part (kuto alert!!)
My baby son is forever an athlete so he was really happy to do this.
Nuvali is such a beautiful laid back place. And they have a wonderful bike trail that is safe for kids.
My baby girl was quite apprehensive because she insisted she had forgotten how to bike.
I told her that once you learn how to bike, you never forget it. (I heard that from somewhere, haha!)
We had quite a wobbly start. The bikes didn’t have hand brakes so that took a little getting used to. And they were quite heavy. But soon the 2 older kids were off & away! My baby girl on the other hand spent 30 minutes “walking” with her bike, haha! 😛 Just as we were about to call it a day, her determination won & soon she was biking like a pro!
We were all exhausted after an hour (mostly me with having to go around holding up my baby’s bike as she pedalled while i huffed & puffed) so went to PIG OUT for ice cream. Yummm!!! <3

My 3 little piggies! <3
Ate was content with her tall cold glass of water.
My baby son had a huge serving of banana split! 🙂
While my baby & I had a spectacular donut sundae EACH! ;P
We also bought some fish food to give to the uber hungry fishies..

15 pesos for a small pack of fish food. What a great & cheap way to kill time!
The kids loved feeding the fishies!
The kois were on top of each other fighting for food.
I don’t understand why they seemed to be so hungry when a lot of people were feeding them round the clock!
It was really amusing to watch them crawl over each other on top of the water!!! @_@
Before we left, we went back to a store in the bazaar. The kids wanted to buy more baller bands.. what is it with these rubber bracelets???
How cute, the store’s name is KERENGKENG! ;P
It specialized in thick (1-inch) baller bands with cute captions for 150 php each.
They already bought 3 each as soon as we got to nuvali,
but wanted to add more to their collection. Hayzzz!!!
So, that’s another day in the life of! 🙂 I hope you kids had fun yesterday! I love spending time with you guys & building memories to last a lifetime. Mommy loves you!! To the moon & back! :-*
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