
Johnny Air Cargo

The kids’ packages from abroad finally arrived. Many thanks to Rica for telling me about Johnny Air Retail Padala. 🙂 Now the kids know how to order ONLINE. (Wait, is that a good thing???)

Now shopping abroad is as easy as 1-2-3! ;P You don’t need a U.S. address anymore, or hassle your friends/relatives abroad to send your packages to the Philippines. Simply use Johnny Air & tag your name to the JA shipping address, and wait.

Here’s JA’s how-to:


Our service consists of shipping from the United States to any of our offices in the Philippines. When you buy online, we will only charge you the shipping rates from our office in Woodside, New York to any of our offices in the Philippines.  When you order online, please indicate the following when they ask for your shipping info:

Shipping Addresses

New York:
Retail Padala / “your name”     
69-04 Roosevelt Ave. 
Woodside, NY 11377-2934
San Francisco: 
Harry Jules Banzon/”your name”
55 Saint Francis Square 
Daly City, CA 94015
Telephone : (650) 991-7080

New Jersey (1)Retail Padala / “your name”
627 Summit Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306

Los Angeles

Rommel Villafranca/”your name”
153 South Vermont Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Telephone : (213) 386-7080


After you order, kindly send me an email to let me know that you are expecting a package. This way, we will be able to send you your package without any delays. From experience, it takes about 5 to 8 days for your order to
reach our office in Woodside and 5 to 7 days from Woodside to Manila. When your package arrives in Manila, our branch there will call you to let you know that it is ready for pick up.Shipment fees will be due upon pick up of your package.
Excited to get her packages! 😉 

Johnny Air Cargo
0917-5262863; 8170781; 7503821
CJV Bldg., 108 Aguirre Street,
Legaspi Village, Makati
(across greenbelt 2 is A.I.M. Behind it is JAC)
Yay! Her 2 pairs of colored sebago shoes from Karmaloop are finally here! m/ 
Purple: $48.45 (on sale) or roughly 2k + 2,5k johnny air shipping fee
Multi-colored: $64.45 or roughly 2,7; + 2,5k johnny air shipping fee

# 1100871

COLOR Purple
Item Shipped
May 30, 2012
Unit Price: $39.95


# 1100889

Item Shipped
May 31, 2012
Unit Price: $55.95


Admittedly, I was surprised with the shipping charges totaling to 7,5k (2,5k per item). Supposedly, it’s just $5.99/lb. & a pair weighed just a little over 2 lbs. each according to the seller. But JA indicated a higher weight for each. Apparently, they include the box in the weigh-in. Or boxes in my case since there’s another box housing the actual shoe box.
My babyson’s shoes. Also from Karmaloop.
$52.50 or roughly 2,2k + 2,5k johnny air shipping fee
# 1339023

SIZE 10.5
Item Shipped
Jun 2, 2012
Unit Price: $44.00


Meanwhile, and on a different (but similar) note, Ate’s package also arrived today, but costs a lot less. It’s because I purchased it locally from Zalora.com. I don’t know why I never thought of buying ate’s shoes locally online before instead of getting dragged store after store, and mall after mall trying to find the “perfect” shoe -when we could have just saved ourselves a lot of walking & back pain googling online! @_@
It’s so hard to find ate the perfect shoe, I can’t even begin to tell you! She needs to find a pair that has the color she likes, on the style she wants, and in her size 10. Not to mention the right texture, heel, toe shape. And then there’s the comfort factor too. OMG!

Rainy season is here so I got her a “rain-proof” shoe.
1,650 php with free shipping Philippines wide.
Hers arrived in 2 short day. Yay! m/
My my.. you guys certainly have had a good weekend shopping spree! No more shopping for you for a while. Let’s give mommy’s credit card a rest, shall we? ;P

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  • Reply january

    this is very informative, glad that this option is available now. will share this to my friends who are equally hooked to online shopping 🙂

    January 23, 2013 at 8:44 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Glad to be of help, Elna! 🙂 and btw, belated happy birthday, hope you had a good one! :-*

    January 23, 2013 at 9:39 am
  • Reply january

    many thanks for the belated birthday greetings ms jane and for visiting my blog 🙂

    January 23, 2013 at 10:34 am
  • Reply monkeyboner

    Those prices are insane. My cousin buys basketball shoes online all the time and has FRS Freight Services air ship them and he says he pays between P700 to P1000 per box. FRS rates are $5 per pound and $5 handling fee. I think JohnnyAir may haveripped you off there.

    April 22, 2013 at 5:51 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Thank you for your recommendation, I'll take this under consideration the next time I make an online purchase. 🙂 Visited your site, I see you're also a dog lover. <3

    April 23, 2013 at 8:36 am
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