Noe is probably the happiest, giggliest girl that I know (next to me that is -haha!) She automatically brightens up a room when she’s there. She talks non-stop, has the energy of a bunny, and has the loudest laugh that infects everyone around her.
Such a happy girl!
The kids have taken it upon themselves to make a new tradition.. cake-throwing on birthdays! It started with Jino’s birthday. Too bad nobody was able to take a picture.
The cake that started it all!
They had so much fun throwing cake & making such a mess that they decided to do it again tonight when they trooped to Noe’s house for an asalto armed with food.
Spaghetti Bolognese
Bratwurst & Hungarian sausages
ate’s Cheese pizza, of course! ;P
Jasmin’s frozen mango cake
Chips. Must-have for teens! @_@
Party people..
and their minions hehe! ;P
The CREW, angela is missing though -has to study study study. College life ain’t easy!
Getting ready for a cake fight! m/
And she is ambushed! ;))
This is W-A-R!!!
Noe: I give up! I give up!!!
Being hosed down by her dad before she can step foot inside the house, haha!
Happy, messy children! @_@
Oh to be Young, and Wild, and Free. Happy birthday, Noe! :-*
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