Boys are easy.. they don’t require grand gestures. Not like girls where it really takes great imagination & big-time effort to make them feel ultra special. Boys? Just give them footwear (and food!) & they are happy, hehe!
Such is my babyson who turned 15 yesterday -time flies so fast. He shies away from pomp & pageantry and doesn’t like it when I fuss & make a big production. Kinahihiya ako! Pa-macho effect kasi.
It seems like just yesterday when you were in our arms, my babyson!! :'((
My very own china doll! ;))
You’ll always be mommy’s little boy no matter how tall you get to be & how old. I will always love you & care for you & worry about you ALL THE TIME!!! <3
But I’m glad he still allows me to hold his hand in public. And when I call him my “babyson” in front of his friends, teehee! He is also carinoso at home & lays down beside me on the bed to cuddle when we’re watching tv (shhhhh that’s our secret!). He will always be momma’s boy! <3
Couldn’t have done much for him anyway even if I wanted too. School & all. I’m sure he won’t appreciate it if I went with balloons & petals hehe. Swag downgrade much! Good thing they were half day yesterday so I was able to buy him nalang his favorite lunch & cake..
His favorite chocolate mousse from Mary Grace. 550 php I love you SOOOOOOO much, my babyson!! <3
Awwwww moment from his sisters! <3 I love how they just LOVE each other!!
They had a musical at Insular so right after lunch, I had to take the 2 young ones there for general rehearsal before the show.
Suuuuperrr traffic!!! Ratio was 1 kid to a car yata that day, grabe!! Full parking pa! :((
Guess where we were seated!! Si Kapitan K pa??? Way. Up. High. Near the sky!!! Syempre, the cheapest tickets in the world, hay! @_@
Sabagay, extra lang naman sila hehe..
Big production number.. Parents palang ang guests, puno na haha. Kumita na naman ang school sa amin, hay! 1k per ticket!
We were only able to celebrate last night after the musical. Where else? Our favorite & most accessible dimsum place -Phoenix Court!
peechure-peechure while waiting for our food! ;))
Pinag-biyak na pwet talaga! ;))
We got the 850 php choice this time, which included hot dishes on top of the dimsum. You can choose ANY & ALL of the above as long as you can finish it. I recommend you get the SMALLEST portion so you can try all (if you can -I challenge you!) !!!
I only took pictures of the hot dishes since I know you’re probably sick & tired of my repeated dimsum photos from my old posts haha! This is the SMALLEST portion k. So MAKE SURE your stomach can handle your orders –bawal ang left-overs!! ;P
Look at our table. Overflowing with FOOD!!! <3 Good thing we were all so hungry by the time the musical ended at 8.
Steamed Dory with Soya Sauce
Birthday/E-fu Noodles (also included in the 650 php menu if you opt not to go with the 850 php choice) Could be better..
Crispy Chicken with Lemon Sauce. YUMMERS! m/
Complementary birthday cake (so make sure you ASK!!)
Awwwww.. blush moment! ;))
With people who mean the most to me. How blessed am I?? Thank you so much, my Lord God!! <3
Happy happy birthday, my ever dearest babyson! <3 You have grown to be such a good, kind, intelligent young man. I am overflowing with pride for the kind of person that you are becoming. God is so good to bless me with a son like you, I really couldn’t ask for more. You are such a loving & caring son, a wonderful & supportive brother, a great friend, a brilliant student, and such a cool person that if you weren’t my son I’d make you my best buddeh & hang with you all the time! m/
I love you so much!! <3 I will always worry about you so please bear with your old mum if I keep close tabs on you. You guys are my world.. gotta take great care of my world!
Happy birthday to Jonah! It was nice seeing you last night It's our first time to watch MMF's production (so much better daw compared to the previous years) galing ng mga kids 'no
Thank you, Shawie! :-* Yessss.. so much better than the last time coz this year they got a "professional" director na haha kaya may kagabay na si Mr. Jomar! ;))
thank you so much for your greeting, marie! i'll be sure to pass it along later. Im on my way to my mommy duties (alalay) for jana's pictorial haha. Our job as moms is never done!!
Happy birthday to Jonah! It was nice seeing you last night
It's our first time to watch MMF's production (so much better daw compared to the previous years) galing ng mga kids 'no 
November 29, 2012 at 2:52 amThank you, Shawie! :-* Yessss.. so much better than the last time coz this year they got a "professional" director na haha kaya may kagabay na si Mr. Jomar! ;))
November 29, 2012 at 4:45 amHappy birthday Jonah! God bless you always.
November 29, 2012 at 5:15 amthank you so much for your greeting, marie!
i'll be sure to pass it along later. Im on my way to my mommy duties (alalay) for jana's pictorial haha. Our job as moms is never done!! 
November 29, 2012 at 5:50 amhappy bday jonah!!
November 29, 2012 at 4:49 pmThank you Franny! <3
January 17, 2013 at 3:08 am