
Happy birthday, Mommy Dearest!

It’s Mudra’s 80th birthday party today. Her actual birthday is next Thursday pa, but since I wanted to give her a surprise party, I arranged for it to be on a sunday so what’s left of our clan can come! 😉

Me & my Mommy! <3

Everybody is gone! Most of her siblings have passed. The 2 she have left are abroad. One in NY, the other in Canada. It’s only my brother & I, and some cousins here & there. I considered having an intimate dinner at a nice hotel for just the immediate family, but this is a MILESTONE!!! 80th is a BIGGIE!! So I wanted to give her even just a small party to celebrate her 80 years!!! <3

My mom is a penny pincher. She doesn’t appreciate BIG parties & the expense that comes with it. In fact, I’m sure I’ll get a long sermon after, but what the heck… it’s just once a year haha! ;P So in line of keeping it simple, we just had the party in my house.

My house is 17 years old, too much wear & tear already. Even my furniture is as old as ate na haha! So I looked for a way to make it appear a little festive & not-so-dreary!!! ;P I got this tutorial from youtube:

Saw this on a martha stewart show in the lifestyle channel a while back.
Fell in love with it right away!!! Who wouldn’t?? It’s SO FLUFFY!!! @_@
Click here for a video tutorial on how to make this pompom! 😉
Thank you RICA for telling me about the video!!! :-*

Then, I got Neil’s Kitchen to cater her mini party. Michelle is a mommy friend from way back ate’s grade school in TLC & I trust her fully. Plus, they have yummy food talaga, I love Neil’s pad thai!!! <3 I decided on a Thai Menu (B)… I hope my kids like it!! @_@ I certainly don’t want to have another “korean food” experience! ;P

I can really really vouch for the yumminess factor! 🙂
Try Neil’s Kitchen for your next catering needs.

I only have more or less 40 guests (yes, including us na!!), but you never know… So I ordered lechon on the side in case more people came.

Michelle lent me her carving station for my lechon. Isn’t it just purrrtyyyy???
I so love the unique design & colors!!! <3
BTW, you can order this heating gadget separately from Michelle 0928-5247404.

Here’s how Mom’s surprise party went.. I wonder if she was REALLY surprised or she just went along with it, haha! 😛

Picked her up after church.
Her guests yelled “SURPRISE” when she came in.
To her credit, she really did look surprised haha! 🙂

Cried after seeing her favorite grandkids whom she hasn’t seen for quite some time now.
Saying grace before the meal..
Digging in! ;))
I loved EVERYTHING that Neil’s Kitchen served!! <3
The grandkids.. ang dami nila diba, hahaha! 😛
With my brother & sister in law..

Blowing of candles with grandkids & great grandkids (from nephews & nieces)..
The teens left the party & went upstairs to hang! 🙂
The power of three! ;P
What’s left of our family!!!

Happy happy birthday, Mommy dearest. I pray that God will give you more years with us.. good health, pure joy & long life. Thank you for all the love & support you have given us through the years. For being both the Mom & the Dad in our family, and for raising us the best you can. I love you very very much! I thank God for giving me you! :-*

To my 3 darlings, thank you for being such good hosts and helping me entertain. Thank you lovey for the decorations, you have been so patient making all the pompoms diligently! :-* Thank you babyson for letting the guys hang in your room, and for letting them play with your “toys”. 🙂 Thank you ate for the birthday video presentation, and for being my photographer for the day! 😉 I love you guys so much!!! <3 For our yummy yummy food pics, pls. click here😉

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  • Reply Habhab blues

    It's good to see your brother's family here. Your mom's surely delighted to see her kin, celebrated and bonded together on her special day.

    August 8, 2013 at 7:03 am
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