
Happy Birthday Lovey (Part 2)

With just a little night’s rest after the previous long friday, we were off to Tagaytay the next day to celebrate my Lovey’s 13th birthday with her friends.

She has been such a trouper & has been helping me every step of the way for her ate’s debut that I had to shake off whatever weariness my tired old body was screaming out & put on a brave front and a happy face for another long day ahead. It was my dear Lavinia’s day & nothing and no one will keep her from having the best day ever. <3
10 happy little guests arrived promptly at 9 AM with sunny smiles that outshone the gloomy weather. We were off to Highlands in 4 vehicles carrying the little girls, mommies, yayas, and of course -the siblings & their friends. Yay. ;P

With her bff Maxine riding shotgun! <3

First on the agenda.. swimming, then lunch! Thank goodness for yayas. The mommies were able to relax in the shade & chat for quite some time while the girls frolicked.

Swimming (inclusive of locker rental) 200/person

Ate sunbathing.. 
The boys being boys! 😛

Highlands really has the best view! <3 
Silly strings 250 php at True Value.
Worth the extra penny. Adds an extra oomph to anay party!  😉

I went crazy ordering 6 family sized TOSCANA pizza for everyone.
Their pizzas are really AMAZING I’m telling you.
The crust is so crunchy & their cheese is fanatabulous!
I really wanted a whole one all to myself hehe.
Hawaiian Pizza (family) 640 php
Quattro Formaggi (cheese) 760 php x2
Quatro Formaggi (assorted) 760 php x2
The kids have fast hands & I was too late in getting to this yummy pepperoni pizza! ;P
560 php
Clubhouse Sandwich 280 php, Club Burger 250 php, Burger Steak 240 php for the non-pizza eaters! ;P

Still with boundless energy, the little girls hied off to the stables for an hour of horseback riding after.

Visiting the miniature horses/Shetland ponies.
They stink, but so irresistibly cute! <3 <3 <3 
Horseback 250 php/hour
Meanwhile, the boys went fishing. 100php/pole
And YET with a lot of juvenile energy to spare, I took the bouncing girls bowling & away from the heat. Time for a cool refreshing halo-halo & some snacks to fuel the oldies! m/

100 php/game
25 php shoe rental

Jerry’s Burger 330 php
Clubhouse Sandwich 280 php

The moms were already feeling the strain at this point, so we decided to head back home after several games. The girls however, were still chatty & playful, so they continued their play date at home.
Dinner at home to continue their play date.

As soon as we got home, even though the heart was willing, my body would not respond to the call of my mind. I finally surrendered, left them in my yaya’s able hands, and climbed my bed after a hot shower to soothe my creaky joints & sore muscles which I’m sure were shocked to the core with all the movements the past several days hehe.

Had I known this was how my life was going to turn out, I would have gotten married even earlier than age 25 so I’ll still have boundless energy for the kids! 😛 Vitamins.. please give me VITAMINS!!! @_@

Happy happy birthday again my baby! <3 I hope this celebration made up for your lackluster 13th birthday in school. I love you so so much, I love seeing you smile! :-*

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