Beauty & Fashion Food & Dining Staycations & Vacations The GOppets

#GOsaka2018 Day 10


Of all the things I fear when travelling, getting sick is on my top 3. First is getting into an accident & getting hurt (please God no), second is getting lost (or worse, TAKEN!), and third is getting sick. Last night’s venture out in the cold finally got to me. Humina ang resistensya ko from the past days that, the normally cold weather I crave & love, turned on me & attacked my immune system. Hinika ako ng major-major. So this is gonna be a boring post, I gotta warn you. Wala masyadong kaganapan.
Today, Kap stayed with me in our apartment & nursed me back to health while the kids took off so I can sleep in peace (and they can also shop in peace without Kap hovering & frowning whenever they’d touch something or inquire about the price hehe).

How my OTL entertained me & loved me back to health haha!

The moment I woke up, I already knew that something was off. Hirap ako huminga, it’s like there’s a heaviness on my chest & my throat burned. This is a sure sign that an asthma attack is imminent. So I told them that I’ll just stay in the apartment all day since it was raining steadily & I didn’t want my condition to get worse. May USJ (Universal Studios Japan) pa kaming naka-sked the day after & I’ve really been looking forward to that. It’s not something I wanna miss on account of an illness. (Besides, entrance tickets & fast passes were non-refundable & the date unchangeable.)

Kaya masayang nakagala ang giblings on their own. I forced them to bring an umbrella in spite of their protests. Turns out MOMMY WAS RIGHT to do so! 😛

We were supposed to rent a car today to go to Kobe because of the weather forecast na all-day rain, perfect time to ride it out (travel time is 3 hours ONE WAY). But since I was sick, we shaved that off our list. Maybe another day if we still have time.

I was also dreading a day in the city since it’s a holiday today, meaning madaming tao na naman tiyak everywhere we go. Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi) is a Japanese holiday held annually on the second Monday of January. It is held in order to congratulate and encourage all those who have reached the age of majority (20 years old) over the past year, and to help them realize that they have become adults.

Also coinciding was the Tondo Matsuri festival which are held in the grounds of many of the larger shrines and in public spaces, such as school grounds and along Hiroshima’s wide river banks where the local community gather and roast mochi rice cakes and warm sake over the flames. In this case, our back yard which was the Kozu-gu shrine (Ate initially thought it was a graveyard but a temple pala with yes – graves still, lol). So double event pa!
Last night on our way home, Kap noticed tents being put up at an open space right behind our apartment, he said something is definitely going on, and he was right as usual. I didn’t even have to venture out as I could see perfectly well from our 6th floor window. I could hear it too, as I tried my best to nap amidst the merriment. 😛

So what he did was he & Ate went out & bought food from the many stalls set up right in our back yard, brought it up to our apartment, and we celebrated the festivities in the comfort of our dining room while listening to the jovial rambulan outside.

Although their clothes may smell of burnt offerings after, the locals believe that the smoke is supposed to provide good luck. Aaaand of course, It was just my (bad) luck that I had asthma the very same day they put up a fire pit, lol.

Di bale, bumawi naman ako sa pagkain. ;)) Thank you my Honey & Ate for bringing us food!

Finally well-rested by evening, I forced myself to get off my big butt as I could see Kap getting claustro na in our tiny apartment. Labas na labas na talaga sya & he was making little noises here & there so I’d finally wake up & we could leave!
Made a quick stopover at several stores to buy cough drops to relieve my itchy throat & also look for a voltage regulator for my nebulizer. Apparently, Japan’s outlets are all 110 volts & my machine fed on 220 volts.

This guy is really my superhero, he’d go to the ends of the earth for me. How lucky am I! <3

After we made the necessary purchases, we finally contacted the kids & met up for dinner. Yoshinoya is the lucky place. Kap saw it on one of our rounds & liked the price points. Babawi ako tom with fresh sushi, palagay ko hindi na sya aangal kasi nakamura na kami for dinner. 😉 Sana may panlasa na ako!

Yoshinoya’s roots date back to 1899 when a family-run shop opened in the fish market that existed in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. For 117 years since that time, Yoshinoya has worked around its motto of providing “tasty, cheap and fast” goods and services. The phrase “Tasty, cheap and fast” forms the foundation of Yoshinoya’s pride and values that the company has embodied and will embrace in the years to come. Kap is definitely happy with the tasty, CHEAP, and fast points, teehee! 😉

My steaming sukiyaki to soothe my throat & open up my airways. Don’t mind Babyson’s face, he does this periodically to annoy me. Gah! @_@

Our bill came up to only 1.8k php. If you want to see Yoshinoya’s menu, CLICK HERE.

Ate is also sick, super sipon as in SUPER. Achoo ng achoo & post-nasal drip so we went home na right after dinner. Tinamaan talaga kami ng lamig sa bundok kagabi. Early night tonight, here’s hoping that we’ll all be better na tomorrow.

Salamat mahal ko for packing my trusty pulmoaide in spite of my misgivings & angal na its so heavy-gat, and for searching all over Osaka for my 110v to 220v transformer so I can use it agad-agad with no further delay! #howsweetitistobelovedbyyou

And thank you again guys for sharing in our adventures! :-*
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  • Reply Yzz

    Ms jane where did you buy that regulator and for how much?

    February 26, 2018 at 6:55 pm
    • Reply Jane Go

      Kap found it in Don Quijote he went while I sat in a cafe lol. It cost around 2k+ php. Hong mohoool!

      February 26, 2018 at 6:57 pm
  • Reply Erika

    Hindi pwede sayo portable nebulizer? para mas handy? Hello from Sapporo! ❄ Di ka pwede dito masyado malamig huhu.

    February 26, 2018 at 9:25 pm
    • Reply Jane Go

      Woooow i’m soooo jelly!! Kwentuhan mo ako when u get back pls!! and yes my nebulizwr is handy but yung saksakan feeds on 220, 120 only in japan waaah. Enjoy sapporo!! <3

      February 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm
  • Reply Med

    I love Kyoto, too!!! Next time I want to stay there for 3 days, ang dami niyo napuntahan na hindi ko napuntahan! Galing-galing niyo mag-tour! Note to myself – mauna muna GOppets sa isang lugar before I go there para I know where to eat, where to stay, what to buy, etc. etc. etc. Will be praying that you go to lots & lots of places!!! Thank you for always sharing your adventours!!!

    February 27, 2018 at 10:17 am
    • Reply Jane Go

      Lol!! Eh lahat ng lugar napuntahan mo na kaya. Hahaha! :-*

      February 27, 2018 at 3:54 pm

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