Kap & Me Others The GOppets

Pugad GOppets Update – February

At the start of the year, instead of resolutions which I’d probably certainly fail to follow through anyway, I listed down my hopes & dreams for each month of the year. Do you remember my January goals? 🙂

“January – January will be so exciting (and at the same time nerve-wracking & tension-filled) because THIS IS IT PANSIT! Renovations for the bedrooms & bathrooms in our new home will finally start. Umpisa na ng away at bangayan, aguy! Kap will be super sungit the whole month through for sure kasi puro gastos na. So there will be some serious belt-tightening this year. KIDS. ARE YOU READY??? Wala munang shopping!”

Well, I couldn’t have hoped for anything better. Aba, hindi nagsungit si Kap my Kap sa mga gastusin! <3 He was very positive, supportive, and accepting of all our nakakawindang & high fallutin’ requests haha.


Apart from some cleaning, there was really nothing major to be done on the ground floor. It’s the bedrooms that needed the beautification project since the kids (AND I) had specific requirements. Their taste falls more on industrial/modern so Kap had to tear down some walls, cabinets & floors to give them what they want. Kap(intero) is really our HERO! <3 We are so blessed.


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I have a fascination with chandies! <3 I left my old ones where they are for my Babyson, so I had to buy new ones for the current abode. I was nervous how I was going to explain this purchase to Kap hehe but..



It turned out fine. 😉 Konting sermon lang okay na uli. I must admit.. it was love at first light! Ilaw lang ang iibigin walang iba.



Luckily this 4-pc set in various sizes was readily available at the store (and more importantly, fit my budget!) so my living & dining lamps matched the big one in the staircase as well. I can’t be any happier with my choice! Ayan, look-up talaga ang drama ko while eating hahaha!


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Hands-on Kap made me a pull-out shoe & bag cabinet (Ayan, 18 lang ang designer bag capacity. Hindi na daw ako pwedeng sumobra sa bilang!) He doesn’t look at magazines so I really don’t know how he comes up with these ideas. But I am one thrilled pig. Oink!




Even the bathrooms are getting revamped. Of bathroom convos & toilet humor. Trying it out for size. Oh guys, you (butt)crack me up!



Meanwhile, my Lovey fell in love with a dreamy brass bed from Pottery Barn. I bought it as a Christmas gift & they can only store big purchases for 1 month. So boo! Even though her room still wasn’t finished, I had to accept the delivery. We will just have to work around it I guess.



Fit for a princess. My princess. <3


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Ang bilis ng panahon. It is now February at the blink of an eye. Grabe!

“February – My birth month! By end of February, and God willing of course, I hope we have already moved into our new abode. It’s gonna take some getting used to, after having lived in our home sweet home & true comfort zone for 18 years. I can roam the grounds with my eyes closed & still know every corner & obstacle. When we finally change residence, if I sleep-walk, gugulong akong pababa sa hagdan, sa labas na ako ng bahay pupulutin! In a way, it’s kinda sad to leave the home that has been witness to so many memories all these years. But it’s also exciting to make new ones -now with my mom (and her entourage) in tow.”

Let’s see if any of my plans for February pushes through. I was hoping to be able to move in by mid to late Feb, but there are just too many custom-made things going on that I’m worried we won’t finish everything in time for my birthday transfer & thanksgiving party ahuhuhu.

But as long as the result comes out wonderful (which I’m sure it will, with my dear Kap at the helm), I’m ok with the wait. Que sera sera, what will be, will be. Will update you again next month. I hope everything comes up roses! 😉


Thank you contractor Kap for bringing life & light into my otherwise boring & dark world. I love you so much it hurts! :-*

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PS: Ito nalang for my dressing room honey. Last na, pramis. Solb na ako after hehehe! 😉 #AmbisyosaProblemz

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  • Reply Kei Aclaro

    Hi, Ms. Jane! It’s been a while… After new year, I got sooo busy na naman with my lolo’s and father’s hospitalization. Now lang nakakahinga-hinga uli.

    I continue to read your posts though but no time na to comment kasi palagi ngarag. Halos sa hospital na ako tumira after mag New Year. Hehehe.

    Anyway, love the chandies and the pullout shoes and bags rack! Napaka creative at hands-on naman ni Kap. You are one lucky wifey… 😉 Btw, the yellow chair looks nice but I am wondering about the pink chair from before… Love that one too!

    Birth month mo na, Ms. Jane. Malapit na din Chinese New Year… Wishing for more blessings for you and the GOppets!

    February 1, 2016 at 8:33 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you Kei & I wish you and your loved ones good health this 2016. You’ve been under so much duress & stress the past year that I hope & pray this new year will bring you much comfort & joy. Mwah! :-*

      February 1, 2016 at 1:02 pm
  • Reply Noel Q.

    Greab Jane! Paganda ng paganda ang house! I hope I can see it one day… #passiveaggressivemuch hahaha…

    Winner ang Kap(intero) mo, hahaha…

    February 1, 2016 at 8:53 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Hahaha of course I will invite you over. Mahina labg ang kalaban kasi masyadong metikuloso ang Kap(intero) ko kaya nagtatagal sobra ang gawa hay naku. @_@

      February 1, 2016 at 1:01 pm
  • Reply jo

    Nice! 🙂

    February 1, 2016 at 9:33 am
  • Reply Erika

    My new fave month February!! Let me first greet you Happy Birthday!! araw araw kita batiin! hahaha!!! I love your new house!! Wish ko din magka cabinet for my bags (pero di kasing level ang bags ko ang designer bags mo hihi) . Ang sipag ni Kap ha! Pang all around ba? hehe

    February 1, 2016 at 9:44 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Awwwww at araw-araw naman ako kikiligin sa pagbati mo hehe. Dali tawagan mo si Kontractor/Karpinterong Kap para igawa ka rin ng bag cabinet erika! :))

      February 1, 2016 at 12:59 pm
  • Reply med

    Awwww a Kenneth Cobonpue! Luveeeeet!!! Paupo ha?!

    February 1, 2016 at 9:57 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Nasa bungit pa nga ng alanganin my dear meding. Baka hindi pumayag si Kap kelangan ako na umorder & wait for the sermon to follow nalang hehe. Magaling naman akong magbingi-bingian hahaha! 😉

      February 1, 2016 at 12:58 pm
  • Reply anna

    love love the chandeliers ms jane!! pero bakit 3 lang nakita ko? asan yung isa haha

    cant wait for ur finished home. pls give us a photo tour?!?!?!!!

    February 1, 2016 at 11:59 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Haaaaay ang tagal ng progress anna himatayin na ako sa excitement hehe. Yes for sure will update you. Thank you for your full support mwah mwah! :-*

      February 1, 2016 at 12:57 pm
  • Reply JAYDEE

    Your husband reminds me so much of mine!
    I’m a city girl with all the arte while my husband is raised from the province and is this really down-to-earth and very simple kind of guy. He is also very good with all these house improvement stuff (including cleaning!!!)
    Went through your blog and saw what a great family you have. I hope we also will be blessed with children as wonderful as yours!
    More blessings to you and your family!

    February 1, 2016 at 5:45 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Jaydee. And yes, we have indeed found heroes in our husbands. They are amazing blessings, and absolutely for keeps for a million lifetimes. <3 Wishing you God's bountiful blessings as well. Thank you for dropping by! :-*

      February 2, 2016 at 10:47 am
  • Reply Candy

    Mommy Jane, i can imagine how stressful this can be for you and kap but i can also feel the excitement and the joy this whole process brings to you and the entire family. I am equally excited for how your new home will turn out since you and Kap are really very hands-on. The kids are likewise so involved because they are now young adults who have their own (expensive) taste kaya doble gastos ni Kap. Kaya wag mo na dagdagan with your Kenneth Cobonpue yellow, regal, amazing and beautiful chair. Hahaha!

    Mommy Jane, share with us your walk-in closet ha esp the bag and shoe pull-out cabinets so I can draw some inspiration. Dream ko ang magka-walk-in closet sa aming dream house, God-willing.

    Enjoy the whole process! Love yah!

    February 2, 2016 at 11:19 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      HAHAHAHAHAHA hindi ba pwedeng ihirit na birthday gift & valentine gift yung bloom chair ko Candyyyyy? :)) Baka pwedeng ikaw nalang magregalo please?

      February 2, 2016 at 3:03 pm
  • Reply Candy

    Ohemgee! Bubulungan ko na Lang si Kap. Hehehe

    Magandang bargaining power yan Mommy Jane, birthday and Valentine. How can Kap say NO to the love Of his life.

    February 3, 2016 at 8:40 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Kahit pa isama na ang anniversary & chinese new year. Mapa saakin lang yang bloom chair na yan hehe. 😛

      February 3, 2016 at 10:50 am
  • Reply edelweiza

    Ang ganda ng lighting(s)! Ms. Jane, push mo yang Kenneth Cobonpue chair, bagay yan sayo dahil ikaw ang lady of the house! 🙂

    February 5, 2016 at 12:04 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Todamax na nga ang pushing levelz ko edel hahaha! :-*

      February 5, 2016 at 6:49 pm

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