Day 15
Today is a bittersweet day for me. My Sweetness is leaving for Manila, and she takes a big chunk of my heart with her. We have never been apart this long, and this is gonna be super painful for me no matter how brave & strong I try to be huhu.

Try as we might, it was a gloomy day for us in spite of a perfect weather. Our happy gang of 5 will soon be 4 albeit temporarily. We were all feeling melancholy, especially me. </3 Maga na ang mata ko kakaiyak huhu.
Kap leads us in a morning prayer, and for a safe flight home for our precious daughter.
Ate has been a vital key in making our trip possible. From the start she was hands on with the planning session & drew up our fun-filled, activity-filled itinerary. We’d be at a loss without her, truly. I feel so bad that because of the sudden change in her class schedule, she has to leave earlier & won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of her labor.
Made her bilin to my mom. The last time I made her bilin was when she was a teeny tiny baby & I had to go to the gym to try & get my sexay bodeh back (oh yes, epic fail as you can see, lol). And now I’m making her bilin again to my mom. But truth be told, MIL will take much better care of her. Mas may silbi si MIL sa taking care aspect hehe. In that area of expertise mas kampante ako kasi katangi-tangi nyang apo ang mga anak ko. Buhay at kaluluwa ang itataya nya jan.
While we were all still asleep, Kap & Ate who are the true-blue adventurers in the family went off biking to see the beauty that is Amsterdam. I’m glad they got to bond several times on our trip before Ate left for school. <3
Daddy’s girl. Mommy’s darling.
And they came home bearing a gift for moi, a Pandora Amsterdam exclusive. The staff said there are more bikes in Amsterdam than there are people, lol. Totoo kaya??
Loving my new bike charm, made more special because of the thought that came with it, from Kap & my sweet Ate. <3
Besides, she has a whole village looking out for her back home. Her lolas, her aku Dan, her akim & cousins, her ninang Marina, her tita Irene & tito Richard. 2 weeks will fly by so fast, I’m sure. And we’ll be back in each other’s arms. I just can’t help being melancholy because it’s always been the 5 of us experiencing things together since time immemorial. And now we’re gonna be missing one of the gang. :'((
You are so loved my darling. SO LOVED. <3 Please always take care of yourself while mommy isn’t able to. Just for a short while before I take over again my love.
I never want to let go of my baby. Ever. :'((
And this is only for 2 short weeks. I’ll go crazy longer than that. That’s how super clingy we all are to each other.
Because we have to catch a flight back to London where Ate is getting a direct flight to Manila for her summer MBA transition classes (panira talaga sa buhay yang pag-aaral), we had a heavy breakfast right outside our apartment. Then it was a quick run toward the train station, then the airport.
Throughout our trip, and even back in Manila, laging naka-alalay at naka-antabay sa akin si Kap. He always holds my hand. His love & support makes the bittersweet parting much more tolerable. I’m really so blessed with my loving family. <3
I will miss you so much Ate. But I know you have exciting days ahead of you. People to meet, friends to make, things to do. Pasasaan ba’t isang kisap-mata nanjan na kami sa tabi mo. Thank you for giving us a great adventure, and for leading us, making sure our trip is chocful of fun & activities. See you in a few, my love! <3
Plane ride to London, I kept crying the whole flight huhu. Plane ticket from Amsterdam to Heathrow: 22.5k for 5 pax.
We didn’t have a boarding pass so we tried to stay with Ate outside her gate for as long as we could until her time of departure.
I really hate goodbyes, especially when it involves my loved ones. :'((
2 weeks is short lang my darling, we’ll be back in each other’s arms soon. Don’t be sad na my love.
Team clingy forevermore. <3
God be with you always my darling. He loves you far more than Dad & I can ever love you. You are safe in His hands.
Love you! <3 <3 <3 And with that, the Amsterdam has broken. Akala ko magkaka-canal na rin sa airport huhuhu.
Touchdown London!
July 6-July 11, 2016 | 57 Ability Plaza, Arbutus St., London, E8 4DT United Kingdom
Ate booked us a nice airbnb for our return trip. Always so thoughtful & caring.
Home for the next 6 days.
London won’t be the same without you my Sweetness! </3
Sharing with you Ate’s loooong & detailed text message upon landing, ever the sweet girl, she worries about her mommy. I hope she doesn’t mind, but I really want to share with your how Ate always manages to brighten up my life, even when we are miles apart. <3
Bon voyage my love safe travels. :-*
Good morning, Boppy! Sorry if I worried you, there was no in-flight wifi available. I wish I could’ve vibered you an entire play by play of my flight huhu! Instead, here’s a mini diary (in military time pa! PAK!) of my little adventure back to the homeland.
23:12 – Finally on the runway after that 30 minute delay! I tried messaging you good night but I couldn’t connect to Heathrow wifi anymore. The girl at the check-in counter told me the in-flight wifi would work as soon as we were in the air. Well she was wrong, walang wifi ang aircraft na itech.
23:21 – Was given a hot towel …idk if this is for the face or what. Ended up using it on my hands and feet (relief from my stinky Biofresh socks) bcoz I didn’t wanna open up my pores. Who knows what’s floating around in this plane.
23:47 – Played around with my seat. Everything is adjustable!!! From the length of the foot rest to the height of the head rest #headtotoe talaga! I could even manipulate the chair via the remote to fit the curve of my spine exactly! So cool!!!
00:03 – Was served champagne and crosstini’s! One had a big chunk of brie on it but kinain ko pa din kase sayang HAHA!!!
00:08 – I’m starting to feel the champagne and I’ve only had 2 sips lol #amats The stewardess assigned to me is really nice. She kinda reminds me of Kima. So far I’ve spotted 2 male stewards …not sure which one kuya Mike is yet. One is skinny and the other is chubby-cute. Not sure which one he is hehe! (ps do u even know what amats means?!)
00:15 – Sosyal ng appetizer ha. Arte ng plating pang fine dining ish. I feel so busog from the crosstini’s idk how to eat anymore #baboylife Was asked if I wanted warm bread but as much as I wanna make sulit this business class ticket, I had to tanggi bcoz there’s still main course and dessert.
00:17 – Fakshet I just realized I was given 2 sets of fork and knife idk which one to use they look the same but different #sosyproblems Also, my stewardess brought a bread basket over so the Kapitan Kunat in me took over and got bread na. It was a choice of either garlic bread or multigrain. You can guess which one I chose.
00:21 – Old Chinese man on my row is chowin down his food real quick. Di halatang gutom si koya.
00:30 – After meticulous inspection, I have come to the conclusion that both sets of cutlery and exactly the same. I repeat, they are exactly the same. I am in the clear.
00:35 – Hmm I seem to be alagang alaga by this stewardess. Not sure if it’s bcoz of kuya Mike or bcoz she noticed my eyes are kinda maga and feels sorry for me, LOL.
00:39 – Main course is served! I opted for the salmon cooked Chinese style. So yummy tastes like Filipino-Chinese not European-Chinese. Quick champagne update: I’m not even halfway through my glass and the stewardess came to refill my glass. I had to say no bcoz sakit na ulo ng lola mo HAHAHAH. I’m not built to drink.
00:43 – Mejj onti ng white rice (like half a cup) Bitin cuz malaki ish the salmon. Thinking if I wanna be kupal and ask for more …but also thinking I wanna save room for dessert …lots of it!
00:52 – I learned that my stewardess’ name is Eva. She tried giving me a cheese platter but all the cheese looked stinky so I turned it down hehe sayang I forgot to take a pic for you! You would’ve had fun eating all the stinky cheese. For dessert, I got strawberry ice cream and a chocolate mousse.
00:56 – The struggle to open my Häagen-Dazs was real. It’s times like these that I turn to Nena to open stuff for me. Hope you guys are getting a good night’s rest. How’s the Airbnb? Did the check in go smoothly??
00:57 – Dropped ice cream on my phone but I still ate it. Licked it off even. No one was looking naman eh!!! Hopefully walang CCTV here lol.
01:01 – Thinking of asking for another ice cream cup. The praline flavor looked interesting.
01:05 – DAAANG SON THE MOUSSE TASTES LIKE A BITTER FERRERO ROCHER YAAAS. Also, slight turbulence. Reminds me of Nena. She’d be jumping up in her seat by now.
01:07 – The static in my hair is crazy it’s driving me nuts. (ps worrying about you worrying about me. I hope ur getting some sleep. How I wish I had some way of telling you there’s no wifi on the plane)
01:10 – I eat so slow pala hehe they turned off the lights na and I’m only halfway through my mousse. A stewardess turned on my light tho to let me finish.
01:17 – Panicked a little cuz I thought my chair was going crazy.
01:26 – Grabe mom iba talaga business class. May toiletries sa banyo! Syempre I used all of them HAHA (hand soap, paper cups, mouthwash, cologne, and lotion) Pati tissue, Kleenex! Ang lambot. Played around with my swag bag too! It’s L’Occitane.
01:28 – Mommy Grabe din recline ng upuan. Nakahiga ako as I type this. Legit HIGA!!! Ang saya saya huhu tears of joy #blessup And since I have no katabi, I have extra pillow and blanket. Plus, they gave me fuzzy socks & and eye mask in my swag bag so I’m feeling supah comfy.
01:40 – Kuya Mike came to my seat and told me Auntie Bernie endorsed me to him and to call him if I need anything. He also gave me a huge bottle of water and bags of chips (1500 mL, 2 mini bags of Doritos, and 2 bags of Blue Diamond Mixed nuts to be specific bcoz I know how curious u are)
01:52 – The old Chinese man keeps waking up from his own snores HAHAHAHA. Can’t sleep, maybe it’s the excitement of being a VIP.
07:03 – Good morning, Boppy!!! I have never slept so soundly on a plane. Sarap pala nakahiga hehehe.
07:44 – Ohmygoodness this chair has a built in back massage. Plus the overhead light serves as a heater so I won’t get too cold on this flight.
07:52 – Reading the menu and saw that “Gourmet Tuyo and Bangus in Olive Oil may be requested.” Thought of you again. How I wish you could enjoy the same perks.
07:57 – Asked for the famous arroz caldo even if I’m in hungry yet bcoz gusto ko talaga sulitin ang bayad. May separate breakfast pa later. Opened a window to get a good picture …I think I blinded all the other passengers sa silaw ahahah oops. Also asked for a Goji Berry smoothie then gonna ask for that ice cream I was talking about after #noshame #noregrets
08:00 – Update on the arroz caldo: steads lang.
08:01 – Update on the smoothie: ang tamis pakshet buti nalang kuya Mike gave me a giant bottle of water.
08:02 – Wondering how to fit all the freebies into my filled-to-the-brim bag. Pwede kaya to take home the pillow and blanket?
08:05 – I dropped a pillow on the floor and I can’t reach it bcoz there’s a table in front of me. I wonder how I’m gonna get it hahahah kakahiya naman if a stewardess sees they’ll think I’m a spoiled brat.
08:07 – Update on the pillow: I managed to squeeze my way out of my self-made cocoon and pick it up. Success!
08:14 – Kuya Mike also gave me a small bottle of water last. Perfect for the berrocca I’m gonna drink now. Don’t worry, I’ll drink vitamins at home. Ate Lyn will remind me. Don’t forget to drink yours too, ok? Especially your morning & night medicine.
08:18 – I have unpacked the contents of my MCM and I’m trying to make everything fit. Feels like a puzzle #OC
08:29 – Packing update: Also a success. Can’t bring home the headphones, pillows, or blankets. It says on the packaging “Please return to crew after flight” hehe! #KapitanKunatJunior #HellaPinoy
09:11 – Aww shucks ubos na the praline ice cream. Oh well less calories for me then.
09:28 – Put on a face mask and all the grown ups are judging me but idc ok bcoz my mommy told me to moisturize.
09:34 – 2.5 hours until landing and I’m not ready to say good bye to my business class seat yet wahahah!!!
09:48 – Was given another hot towel …still didn’t get to use it on my face bcoz kaka face mask ko lang.
09:54 – I keep forgetting to take pics of the banyo. Will take one later when I pee after they serve breakfast. Looks the same naman. Bigger lang ng onti + more mirrors and free toiletries.
10:27 – A steward came around with a bread basket and kept giving me pastries because “masarap yan ma’am try it” hahahah so cute but ugh so much carbs.
10:32 – They’re serving breakfast a bit late because of the turbulence kanina. Pinapatulan ko na lahat ng fresh fruits even if I don’t usually eat fruits bcoz #gutom
10:52 – Breakfaaast is served!!! I got the pancakes with apples and cinnamon. Turns out it’s kinda small hehe buti nalang I was given lots of pastries.
11:19 – Kuya Mike passed by and gave me a bunch of mango chocolate and Spanish hot chocolate. We took a selfie. He said “ngarag na ako!” He talks like Akim, so cute!
11:27 – I’m about to pee for the 4th time since waking up. I’ve been drinking so much water.
11:37 – There’s a crying baby at the back. Buti nalang I’m in a good mood di ko trip sampalin …for now.
11:51 – Have to pee really bad. Unahan sa banyo bcoz we’re about to land. Buti nalang I made friends w/ the stewards and they looked for a vacant one for me. Malala the pila in economy.
12:04 – So they give out iPads before take off for those who wanna borrow. Now Kuya Mike is saying over the audio thingy that an iPad is missing. Hay Pinoys talaga haha.
12:20 – Safely landed in Manila.
All in all, my business class experience was superb. Mommy I promise when I’m a doctor na I will work super hard so I can fly us 5 in business class all the time. You will never have to hurt your back or get stiff neck in economy ever again. Thank you for spoiling me and allowing me to fly in the lap of luxury. I appreciate all the sacrifices you make for me. I love you so much and I’ll see you in 14 days! I can’t wait to hug you kiss you and play with your stringy hair and smell your pineapple scent hehe. Let’s both stay strong. No more tears, ok??? I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOMMY!!! MWAH x infinity & beyond.
Awwww. This is so touching. Ate pala is funny din like you. “buti na lang good mood ako, di ko trip sampalin” hahahaha! It reminds me of myself! May pagkamaldita hahahaha! Pero ate is really mabait and sweet. I almost cried at the last part when she said she will work hard so you don’t need to fly economy. You are so blessed. I never thought of sending a detailed update to my mom whenever I travel. I just text her with “I’m here na” I felt bad tuloy feeling ko I’m not a good daughter hahahaha! 2 weeks palang yan na di nyo makakasama isa’t isa ha? So bawal ang mag OFW ang kahit sino sa Goppets!
August 1, 2016 at 8:53 amYes ate is very sweet. Her nickname at home is Sweetness actually because she always manages to surprise me. <3 I'm sure you're also a loving daughter to your mom. Mwah!! :-*
August 1, 2016 at 3:49 pmSo sweet you and your family…but i think ate is extra sweet!
August 1, 2016 at 9:37 amOh yes.
Sugar & spice din sya tulad ko hehe. May anghang! ;))
August 1, 2016 at 3:50 pmAww para kong baliw tatawa tapos iiyak haha! I love Ate’s detailed update! nakakatuwa!!!
August 1, 2016 at 10:50 amYour support to Jana means a lot. You never fail to lift her up, Erika & share in her joys. For that, thank you. Mwah! :–*
August 1, 2016 at 3:51 pmhuhu this made me cry again! huhuhu. I love you and Jana and your Family ok? FOREVER! :-*
August 1, 2016 at 4:18 pmTotoo yan ha? Kasi alam naman natin na #mayforever hehe. Love you back! :-*
August 1, 2016 at 5:18 pmAwww.. I love the photo where you’re still hugging Jana and Kap is trying to pull you away na.
August 1, 2016 at 4:49 pmOo nga haha. Tama na daw ang drama! ;)) I’m just so so happy that those 2 hellish weeks have passed & I am once again with my loves. Kumpletos rekados na uli yahoo!
August 1, 2016 at 5:19 pmAwww. You guys are so sweet ms. Jane!!

the detailed updates hehe
Kasama pa si jela sa pickup hehe i bet she also missed you guys alot
August 1, 2016 at 7:38 pmYes, she was really lost the past 2 weeks her family abandoned her. Sorbing kawawa nakamukmok lang daw lagi sa pintuan. The silver lining in Ate’s homecoming was that at least my 2 girls enjoyed each other’s company.
August 1, 2016 at 10:35 pmwho is kuya mike miss jane? so katuwa her updates!
August 2, 2016 at 1:40 amFamily friend na FA. Super thankful na may napagbilinan ang auntie nya kaya kalahati lang ang kaba ko sa magisang paguwi ni Ate my love so sweet.
August 2, 2016 at 10:22 amwow. business class pala kayo pauwi miss jane!
August 2, 2016 at 1:41 amHehe how I wish. But nope, si Ate lang para kumportable sya kasi magisa kawawa naman. Masyadong madugo if all 5 of us, times 3 ang presyo ohmygerd!! @_@ Ipangshopping ko nalang, trololol.
August 2, 2016 at 10:21 amSo touched with Ate’s detailed message. Got teary-eyed sa last part. Team Goppets for life talaga! God bless you and your family more.
August 2, 2016 at 6:58 amThank you so much Cherryll. Team GOppets, my riches on earth.
August 2, 2016 at 10:20 amNext time isama mo ako sa list ng barangay na mag-aalaga sa mga anak mo (just in case you need to leave them behind – 2nd honeymoon maybe?!), will gladly ampon the Goppets!
August 2, 2016 at 9:48 amOo nga kaso busy ka sa pagliipat ng mga kapanahunanh yan my dearest Meding. Pero sa susunod wala ka nang takas hehe. Official babysitter, lol! Thank youu for the offer mwah!! :-*
August 2, 2016 at 10:19 amAng sweeeet! Sana ganyan din ang Princess ko when she grows up. I try to have “adventures” or mother-and-daughter bonding time with her kahit she’s very young pa, also hoping that she’ll still want to spend time with me like that until she’s all grown up na.
Iba talaga pag mom and daughter moments talaga! Stay safe and happy, Ms. Jane! Just plan nalang your kwentuhan sessions when you’re together again! maraming chika! ????
August 2, 2016 at 6:44 pmI’m sure she will, love begets love.
When she grows up she will always take to heart your special moments & you will be bffs. Yes indeed, iba ang daughters. I want 10 more hehe.
August 3, 2016 at 7:36 amThank you Ms. Jane for sharing this with us, your readers. Jana is so sweet and funny. I really enjoy reading your adventures. Your love for your family is so inspiring. I really hope to meet you in person.
August 2, 2016 at 7:41 pmThank you so much Andrea! <3 I'm really happy that you enjoy reading about our family adventures. Your support means a lot. Mwah mwah!! Hope to meet you someday as well! :-*
August 3, 2016 at 7:38 amOut of all the GOlobe30tting Day blogs mo, pinakagusto ko ito. I love ate’s detailed kuwento sa business class. She’s funny like you. Bagay talaga sa kanya mag doctor, detalyado kung magkuwento. I enjoy reading your blogs talaga!
August 26, 2016 at 11:56 amAwwwwww Suet!! Finally a comment from you!! \m/ Hindi talaga ako naniwala kay boss Albert when he said you read my blog. Kinilig naman ako. Thank you mwah mwah!! :-* And! Hinihintay ko pa manlibre kay Jana ang brother in law mo na also from asmph hahahahaha!
August 26, 2016 at 3:31 pm