
Givenchy Pandora

I love you, Duty Free! <3

Ever since the Givenchy Pandora started getting noticed, my beautiful swan set her sights on it.  It’s one of those rare bags that makes you either love it or hate it. It has only ONE handle & the body, which is squarish in design falls in a certain angle from your shoulder which makes it look like it’s either falling or slipping. Not your ordinary bag, which is THE perfect bag for my fashionista. It’s not often that she falls head over heels in love with something, so I swore I’ll get it for her someday, somehow.

We went to ADORA but ate didn’t like the one color that they had available. And the size was a Large, so it would definitely eat her up coz she’s so teeny-tiny now. Add to the fact that the price is too high with the mark-up & all.

When we went to DFS (duty free shopping) a couple of weeks ago, we saw a Givenchy store. A medium Pandora leather bag costs $1.8k -less my 10%, so it’s still way cheaper than the price in Adora (90k php). Yay! Unfortunately, because of the popularity of the brand -and the bags, we were left with very little color & style choices. I badgered the sales ladies to please give me a call as soon as new stocks come in kasi laging pa-ubusan. Their stocks don’t last 2 days before they’re bought off the shelf by hungry covetous ladies like me. 😉

Last night, they finally contacted me. I only saw their text this morning & I replied right away, reserving the tri-colored ones which were rare. And went there at 9AM as soon as their store opened. What I do for love! <3
Yes. Gising na ako ng 5:50 AM to get ready in taking the 2 younger kids to school.
The poor saleslady, I texted her so early pala, I didn’t realize in my excitement! @_@
Ate texted me later in the day. Little did she know that I was already in DFS when she texted me.
Surprise spoiler! 😛

However, when I went there this morning, I didn’t think the tri-colored pandoras I reserved would be appropriate for ate. They looked old-ish & drab. Mas bagay sa akin ang kulay at style kasi mashonda na ako! 😛

A rare tri-colored Pandora medium in lambskin $1,800
The other rare tri-colored lambskin Pandora medium in Dk. Gray,/Light Gray/Black. $1,800

A distressed Pandora in burgundy caught my eye & I’m so happy that nobody got their grubby hands on it yet. I bought it right there & then without consulting ate if she’d like the color or not. Regalo yan noh, pagtiisan nya ang kulay! 😛

Yes. I definitely thought distressed sheepskin was more her style. And the color was also more age appropriate for my dalaga. <3
Pandora Medium in sheepskin $1,400 
I excitedly gave her my gift as soon as she got home. Mas excited pa talaga ako coz I knew how happy it would make her! ;)) I’m so glad that she liked it. She’s been so tired & hungry all the time lately with school, the long commute, the gym, and all this dieting nonsense that I decided to reward her for all her hard work & sacrifices.
My happy gal. She carries it nicely, don’t cha think? 😉
That’s right bebe gurl. You don’t need a man. NOT YET!!! 😛

I love you ate. I’d give you the moon if I can, you know that. I hope you enjoy your new bag. And please, if you love me back, stop with the dieting & late night classes at the gym already coz you’re already perfect the way you are! Tama naaaaa!!! Sobra na!!! Like Inday Barretto said.. Stop it naaaa!!! ;P PEACE!

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  • Reply Photo Cache

    i would have chosen the distressed burgundy too. the other colors were not appropriate for a dalaga :)mom of the year awardee!

    June 18, 2013 at 4:21 pm
  • Reply CadyTokyo

    Bagay kay Jana the bag 🙂 Lucky daughter <3

    June 19, 2013 at 4:31 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    We have the same taste! 😉

    June 19, 2013 at 7:24 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Lucky mommy! 😉 Thank you! <3

    June 19, 2013 at 7:24 am
  • Reply Cheryl

    I <3 it! You should get the mini for Jena naman :p

    June 19, 2013 at 8:23 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Yeah the mini so cute but the colors available were so sad & drab. When they have new stocks na colorful I'll also buy for jena. 🙂 I feel for your mom, magastos pag girls ang anak hahaha. Lagot ako pag nag-collect narin sila ng MAC!!! 😛

    June 19, 2013 at 9:19 am
  • Reply frannywanny

    why oh why is jana dieting??? 🙁

    June 20, 2013 at 4:32 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Oh franny! That is also my million dollar question! :((

    June 20, 2013 at 10:45 pm
  • Reply melvel

    I wanted to buy the tri color Pandora in your picture but couldn't because limited ako to $1000 Lang! How were you able to buy from DFS? Thanks.

    July 7, 2013 at 7:19 pm
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    The mini tri-color is around $900 pasok sa budget mo 😉 My sister in law gave me a DFS premiere card you can apply for it. 🙂 Balitaan mo ako ha when you finally buy. Givenchy is L-H-A-V! <3

    July 9, 2013 at 12:17 am
  • Reply melvel

    Thanks! When I said limited to $1000, I meant Duty Free didn't allow me to buy it kasi up to $1,000 lang daw ang pwede bilhin for non-balikbayans or OFWs! Since the bag I wanted (the one in your picture) was $1,800, they couldn't sell it to me!

    July 9, 2013 at 7:57 am
  • Reply Sugar and Spice

    oh haha sorry, blonde moment! ;)) pls email me your cel number i'm going next week with some friends we can meet up so you can buy your bag na 🙂 As soon as I know the exact day we're going i'll text you. 🙂

    July 9, 2013 at 8:25 am
  • Reply Jenny

    Hi! How long did it take for Duty Free to contact you? I’m trying to hunt one down but I’m paranoid that the salesperson won’t give me a ring when new stocks arrive. 🙁 I want one badly! I the bag on your daughter! Great choice! 🙂

    October 5, 2013 at 7:17 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Hi Jenny! 🙂 They’re good naman in calling when new stocks come in. In fact they just called me the other day they have new stocks again. 🙂 Email me your numbe at janego220@yahoo.com I’ll see if I can go to DF this week. Or do you also have an elite card?

      October 5, 2013 at 10:00 pm

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