Food & Dining My Kids Staycations & Vacations The GOppets

Giblings in BKK

The kids are getting too big for parties, so instead of giving them birthday bashes, they opted to travel during the undas break (and shop to their hearts content no doubt). Since Kap & I have been to BKK on my last birthday escapade 2 years back, we figured it would be a nice siblings-only trip for the giblings. (Unless it’s super fascinating, I don’t like repeated trips to the same country. I prefer to expand my horizons hehe) They are all adults now after all. Ate is 25, Babyson 23, and our dear bunso just turned 20. Perfect!

Of course Bangkok being notoriously Bangkok (and having experienced it firsthand), we feared for their safety. They were born & raised within the walls of Ayala Alabang lol. So tbh, kahit nagsipag-tandaan na sila, they are not what we can call street smart! 😛 So we contacted old trusty Moddy, and got her as guide for the kids for 2 days until they got acclimated to the city. Better safe than sorry like they say -which is fast becoming my motto when it comes to my family.

Of course they fought tooth & nail for their liberty hehe, but it was deal or no deal. Maybe on their next trip, I can be more lenient & relaxed. I wanted to see how this trip went first. So like it or not, they were stuck with overly-chatty Moddy. ;)) “Mommy she just won’t shut up! Her non-stop chatter is tiring us more than the tour.” is their non-stop complaint whenever I’d make them kumusta, hahahahaha!

Here are some of the pics they generously shared with me. To state the obvious, (and spite of Moddy), they had a very enjoyable experience in BKK. I promised them that their next siblings-only trip, I won’t get them a babysitter anymore. 😉


‘Til the next gibing trip! <3

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  • Reply Dom

    Hi ms Jane!

    No new posts? 🙁 I miss reading your blog!

    May 12, 2022 at 11:26 am
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