
Fright Night

Ate survived the 1st semester of college!! Whoopee! m/ Of course, she has years & years to go, but we she finished the first hurdle. Baby steps in realizing my her BIG dream!! 😉

This MOST CERTAINLY called for a BaDa$$ celebration! Sembreak & Halloween rolled into one! Super kaduper double celebration! 😉 She’s been such a good & diligent student, always waking up so early,  commuting back & forth and not complaining at all that I wanted to make it up to her.

The day before, I already prepared the house for THE INVASION!!! 😉
Snacks & drinks/booze for the HALFDEAD!!
Don’t you just love my props? I also used them for ate’s last Apocalypse party.
Punk skeleton for their photobooth! <3
Me so puffy-faced. @_@
Woke up super early to go with ate to her last day of 1st sem.
The HALFDEAD GRUBS are coming home with us!!! 🙂
First time in the south, WOOHOO!!
Anything & everything for my Prettina! <3 <3 <3
Medals coz they ALL survived the 1st sem. YAY! m/
Besides, lootbags are way too uncool for the soon-to-be HALFDEADS! ;P
Excited teeny boppers. Little do they know what nightmare is in store for them. Mwahaha!!!
Nothing but the best for our 1st time visitors..
I hired a make-up artist & several HALFDEADS for a surefire screamfest!! m/
The HALFDEADS.. the nightmare begins!!!
Brave warriors! m/
They found the keys to unlock the gates of hell! ;P
Group shot.
BiGa$$ pizza as well to feed a hungry army. 😉
Calda Pizza tel no. 4783715 (Calda hawaiian-bolo-gne-etna 1,420 php)
The grub.. Pasta & assorted finger foods 
Ate’s little clique ;))

Sleepovers are the best! <3
Heart to hearts.
Thank goodness for airbeds.
more airheads.. I mean airbeds. ;)) 
and then some moreeeeeeee…
Breakfast of heroes.. 
The boys went swimming after..
They are SOOOOO funny!
I like ate’s little group haha.
while the girls went in search of cute(r) ? boys hahaha.
Look at my Bada$$ golfart. Carrying 8 peeps! m/
Please call my honey bunny for custom-made golfcarts! (plugging) 😉
Grilled Burgers & Hotdogs for the hungry gators’ lunch. Noms!
Dulce de Leche cake from Cravings.

Videoke! m/
Group shot before they left just a few minutes ago.
Ate’s small group -her constant companions in school.
I super kaduper LOVE them na to death! <3
Wanna adopt them all!!!
All these with VERY little or no sleep at all. I don’t know where they get their energy. I went downstairs to check on them at 4:30 in the morning & they were still wide awake & jumping around. Sheeeshkabob! @_@
I hope you had tons of fun, ate. I love you to the moon & back, but give me a couple of months to re-charge & recuperate after this party of yours. I’m too old for this hehe. <3

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  • Reply Jana Go

    You really are the coolest, hippest, sweetest, most lovable mommy in the world 🙂 They all love you na! BUT of course i lahv you the MOSTEST!

    October 12, 2012 at 7:46 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    awwwww!! thank you my darling!! anything for you. Mwah! :-*

    November 13, 2012 at 5:07 pm
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