
Duty Free

I’m always so thankful to my sister in law who has a lot of connections in high places, last year, she gave me this..

Believe me, for a shop-a-holic, this has it’s advantages & disadvantages haha! ;P Let’s just dwell on the advantages, shall we?

See this loooonggg que??? We skipped this!!! ;P
There’s a special line for the premiere club members! m/
AND!!! I get 10% off on ALL purchases!!! <3 <3 <3
Sooo happy that we didn’t have to wait!
Turns out sundays are OFW balikbayan family days!!!
(no need for travel to purchase)
That’s why it felt like all the OFW balikbayans were there that sunday, hahaha!

We had to do some last minute christmas shopping, and I really hated having to fight for a parking space at the mall, so I figured going to duty free was more convenient. OMG, was I wrong! Never ever go on a sunday!!! The lines to the cashiers were soooooooo loooooonnnnnnggggg & people were so cranky already -so much for the holiday spirit!!! I think everyone was doing some last minute christmas shopping as well!!!

Here’s what we got…

Some GODIVA chocolates!!! <3 <3 <3
Harajuku fragrances.. at only $39!! Less 10% pa!!!
Rustan’s sells it for almost 3k! @_@
So we bought a few for the girls’ collection.
My lovey fell in love with the new mermaid G! <3
Her harajuku gifts from me last christmas..
Of course, my babyson couldn’t resist the Vans half-cab shoes in aqua! @_@
I knew it, we bought more for ourselves than for christmas giveaways, hahaha!
See.. even ate is turning into a bag hag! ;P
Longchamp limited edition bag $230 (less 10%)
As you can see.. my card also has it’s disadvantages hahaha! ;P

Thank you so so much, Akim, for always giving us so many wonderful things! :-* Please renew my dutyfree card, hahaha! And upgrade my resorts world card na rin ??? ;))

Thank you Akim! <3
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