

I had this idea of curling ate’s very straight hair in time for the pageant coz every time she gets her hair done, not an hour passes and her hair is back to almost it’s original state. Sayang ang pera!! 😛

Should have left well enough alone.
I’m really sorry ate, I promise I’ll make it up to you talaga!! :((

And obedient child that she is, she allowed me to persuade her to get one in spite of her doubts (bad mommy!).

We went to TONY & JACKEY in festival mall because they had an ongoing promo. Half price, baby! m/

The salon is pretty big..
and spacious. 
One looks tells you it’s pricey.

Turns out there was a catch. (There’s always a catch!) The promo says 7.7k-slashed to 3k-slashed to 2.1k so happy was I! BUT!! The “korean master” had to inspect the hair pa daw, when we went to register. His “inspection” came out to 5k for just the digiperm, wala pang treatment. Ngek! Ganun din pala.. CHURVA –SALE DAW ?!? 😛

With Eddie, the Korean consultant.

That alone should have warned me to STOP. But my logic was, we were there already. What would it hurt, right? WRONG! 😛

Since the ends of ate’s hair have been badly bleached prior, to get the desired ombre effect, hindi pala pwede kulutin, omg! NASUNOG!!!! @_@ (She was hysterical at this point so of course I couldn’t take pictures na to show you noh!)

Ate was in tears the whole way home. Thanks to the magic of haircut, umayos naman ang buhok nya, except that now it’s kinda short.

You’re still very pretty ate! <3
Don’t worry, it will grow back soon.
I am TRULY sorry! </3
Maganda naman lumabas, in fairness.
She now has soft curls, para maiba naman ang kanyang “LOOK”! 😛
Yun nga lang her ombre part had to be cut off kasi talagang SUNOG! :'((
But look at the picture before this one! She’s SMILING na, yay! <3
BEFORE the digiperm.
Kasi I was thinking, for a change, curly naman..

I really shouldn’t have messed with her hair in the first place, this close to the pageant day. Hay naku, never ending apology to my daughter ang nangyari! :'((

The digiperm was great, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that umikli sobra ang buhok ni ate! So now we’re thinking of using extensions for the pageant.

Moral lesson of the story? Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke! 😛

Love you, ate! <3 Thank you for being such a trouper about this! Mwah! :-*

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