
Debut Details – The Shoe

Since we always have a hard time looking for the right shoe (don’t even get me started on that), I have resorted to the internet to look for ate’s gold metallic shoe to complement the gold-accent dress she wants for her birthday party. I miraculously found something she liked after a long search, AND IT HAS ARRIVED! m/

Went to our favorite retail padala cargo specialist, Johnny Air, in salcedo village makati this afternoon..

Back to JAC!
My beautiful swan! <3
THE shoe!
Excited to try it on.
Perfect na sana..
Unfortunately, it’s too big :'((
I got her a size 10. She’s a 9-1/2.
Maybe Mr. Quickie can help us on this dilemma.

Since we were in salcedo na, we decided to indulge in chocolate-y goodness at CHOCOLATE FIRE. The dilemma was we didn’t know where it was exactly. And my wingman who knew the way was out with his “bros & hoes” (pardon the slang).

Thank goodness for google map -okay fine, and ATE who navigated the map & got us there! m/

Chocolate FireSalcedo Village

PDCP Bank Centre, cor of Leviste St and Rufino St, Salcedo Vill
Makati City, Metro Manila
(02) 840-3473

Chocolate Fire revisited.

Chocolate fire is a great cozy date place.
The ambience is so romantic.
Very pricey though, I must warn you.
Iced Milk Chocolate & Caramel 170 php
Iced Dark Chocolate & Iced Milk Chocolate
170 php each
Cheese & Tomato Fingers 170 php 
Meatball Pasta 360 php
Beef and Veggie Stew 420 php
Lean Australian beef chunks, potato, squash, peas and carrots with a side of rice or mashed potato
Mortadella 280 php
Mortadella cold cut sausage, emmenthal, mozzarella, fresh basil, sliced olives, sundried tomatoes and romaine

My slurpee girls! <3

 Let us not forget the chocolate counter, which I wasn’t allowed to take a picture of, Boo! 🙁 I did sneak in one haha..

Coz I just couldn’t resist this chocolate dipped strawberry.. 
which ate bought for me as a surprise.
I really couldn’t bring myself to buy this. 140 for a single berry. Hello?
But of course I did eat the one she gave me. And it was DELICIOUS, teehee! ;P
Had to rush back home after since we had a family movie date..
I just love movies, don’t you? 😉
As much as possible, movie dates for me are non-negotiable. I require that we all watch as a family (whether they like what’s showing or not).

Growing up, I NEVER once watched a single movie with my family -no kidding. It has always been with friends or my hunny bunny.  As a single, I would often see happy families watching a movie together munching on popcorn then eating out after. I’ve always had fun watching them & a pinch in my heart made me vow that I would also have a family like that one day.

Besides, it’s the only time I don’t feel like an “OFW” wife. My hunny doesn’t go with us in our food trips & I always look like a single mom out with her kids. But movies -that he doesn’t miss, it’s one of his passions in life haha. So I really look forward to our movie dates where we are all complete & I am very relaxed seeing all of my sweethearts huddled together. With or without popcorn! ;P

I don’t ask for much, I think I deserve a bit of happiness (a small sacrifice on their part really, compared to the HUGE ones I make). Kids. Listen with you heart. Love, mommy. :-*

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