
Dear Lovey

While snooping through her ate’s wallet, my Lavinia found one of some love notes that I wrote a while back. She’s asking how come I only give letters to ate. So not true, baby. I give you guys equally, it just so happens that ate keeps hers for sentimental reasons, and you & kuya don’t! ;P remember the valentines heart cut-out? Where is it now, aber?

Anyway, I’m writing you a letter now because you are very special and dear to my heart…

My dearest Lavinia,

I should have named you JOY, because that’s exactly what you bring into my life. You are such a delight and I am so blessed that God gave me a most wonderful gift just when I least expected it.

You were a “surprise” baby, but the most wonderful and welcome surprise that I have ever received! <3 I can not imagine life without you in it. 

You have always been such a happy baby..
Until now you infect us all with your sunshine-y disposition! <3
You are just so loving & affectionate. I love you to bits!!! :-*

Thank you for loving me so much. I really really feel that you love me the most. You always take care of me even when you are already so sleepy and tired, you always think of my well-being first. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve your deep affection, but I’m so very glad & honored to have it. You spoil me and shower me with hugs & kisses. You always keep me company and are always by my side, you are mommy’s little helper in all aspects.

I know that the time will come when friends will come first, and that is ok. I also want you to have fun. You don’t have to think that you always need to keep mommy company. I will be here when you come back, baby. So don’t be afraid to go out and enjoy once in a while, mommy will be okay.

Thank you for always giving me my medicines & for reminding me to take them. For always teaching me the way because you know mommy always gets lost and is poor with directions haha. For always checking up on me when we are not together. Thank you for always holding me so I don’t trip or fall, as I always do, clumsy mommy. For helping me with my packages so I don’t strain my back. For helping me wrap gifts all the time, and cleaning up after. For reminding me to pray when I forget (blush). For sharing your beloved and most-cherished blanket with me(we seriously have to get a replacement, baby! She is simply torn to pieces!) And for making me the most important person in your life.

While ate is my best friend whom I always tell things to, and kuya my knight in shining armor & protector, you will always be mommy’s baby, best companion & “taker-carer” and a ray of sunshine in my life. When God gave you to me, He completed my life. I love you so very much, and I appreciate all that you do for me, baby! :-*

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  • Reply Jean C

    At the first meeting moment I read your blog ,I have never stop until now,I didn’t skip any entries that you have put every single blog that you write,it inspires me as a woman and a mom and a wife as well,but this entry makes me cry ,on how a mom should look love her daughter and a daughter to her mom,Pls don’t stop from blogging,pls don’t stop from inspiring people,you don’t know most of your readers but you always touch our hearts,more power beautiful mom ! God bless you and your family

    March 29, 2017 at 9:17 am
    • Reply Jane Go

      Thank you so much Jean for your kind & inspiring words. :-*

      March 29, 2017 at 2:41 pm

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