Food & Dining Kap & Me My Kids Pets

Crazy Saturdays

My saturdays are just Kharrrrrayzzeh! @_@ I have so many things to do, people to drive, places to go & things to attend to that by Sunday night, I welcome the boring weekdays where I can just veg out 3/4’s of the day & the kids are tucked away in school. Nah. Who am I kidding. I LOVE MY WEEKENDS! I LOVE BEING A SLAVE TO MY KIDS. 😉

To see a glimpse of how my Saturdays are:

1.) Babysit the dogs. Kap scheduled for our house to be fumigated from top to bottom this particular saturday so wherever I was going for the day, I had to bring all 3 dogs with me. Extra burden I tell you. I don’t mind taking Jela because she just sleeps in the car & she’s quite manageable. But the 2 puppies are really a hassle coz they poop & pee like every 2 hours (with farts in between) zOMG! Imagine the stench in the car with them along! So I took them to my mom’s to chill when we couldn’t take the odor anymore. This is what you call sub-contracting hehe.

Jela: Oh no. We’re at granny’s! And here I thought we were going someplace exciting coz yaya just brushed my teeth! 😐

Jela: Enough already! My mommy will ship you off to Timbuktu if you guys don’t stop!!! @_@

Jela: Oh no! Where are you taking my babies??? WHERE???

Doing what they do best.. MAKE A MESS! Puppies for sale. Any takers??? PLEASE???
Even the puppies are growing so quickly. Here they are at 3 months! @_@

2.) Woodrose Fair. My baby girl had a date with her friends at the school fair so I made sure she got there safely. Pick up mode after a few hours & she almost always wants a hangout with her friends at the house after so I need to make provisions for snacks & drinks & see to it that our house is in order and doesn’t stink to high heavens because of the puppies.

3.) Gym. Not me. Ate. 😐 She is so religious with her gym time that nothing & no one can go between her & exercise. She goes Linda Blair if you even try stopping her. And she has to be there at a particular time when she likes the class at the gym, so we all have to move around her schedule because she doesn’t drive & refuses to learn, sheesh! I have to take her there & squeeze chores in between the hour that she’s working out. Can you spell R-U-S-H?? What about S-T-R-E-S-S! @_@

If you say “NO” to gym, she transforms from this beautiful, adorable, maamong creature into..

(Ate, do you see the kissmark on the forehead though? That’s from mommy. Even when you’re being difficult at times, I still adore you! :P)

4.) Babyson. Normally he has lakad with his friends (plural), or girlfriend (definitely singular). So I also have driving duties because his Dad & I are still not comfy with him driving around on his own at 16!

This particular saturday though, he had a suit fitting. So after dropping off my Lovey, Ate, the pups, we had to rush to BF for his fitting in time for prom. Naturally Jela had to come because my mom only accepted the puppies since they were in a cage. A roaming Jela wasn’t acceptable. I’m so thankful the tailoring shop allowed Jela to come in..

In our rush because SOMEONE had to get to the gym on time, I forgot to dress her up in her tutu so she doesn’t look boyish. 🙁

My handsome boy. <3
In yet another NEW suit because all the rest are too tight now. Huhuhu.

and a panting Jela. February is just too hot for her life!

Through it all, it doesn’t help a bit that the glaring sun is bright & shining on what was supposed to be a cool, breezy February. Summer has definitely arrived, BOO! </3

5.) Lunch. The kids, especially my Lovey, expect to be entertained & dined on weekends. As soon as they see my eyes open on a Saturday morning, they ask me what’s on our agenda. They can’t stay put in the house. So off we go on a food trip. Even Jela looks at me as if saying.. what’s the ganap today mommy?

I try to bring them to new restos. The kids are foodies just like their mommy & delights in checking out new joints.

6.) After lunch & a quick shower and change back home, it’s Ate’s turn for her own ganap..

Double the beauty! <3
She’s so gorgeous even dressed down in a plain shirt & jeans.
I’m one lucky mommah to have such lovely kids. 😉

I believe this is what you see when you google Beautiful People. 😉

6) Grocery. Depending on whether Ate still has stock of her “special” food at home or not, we go to the grocery to buy her stuff so she doesn’t die from hunger & malnutrition!

7) Movie with Kap or the fambam. Saturday is usually our movie night. If the kids like what’s showing, they come along. If not, it’s a quiet night at the movies for me & Kap with plenty of text messages from the kids in between reminding me what they need for the week ahead. A mother’s job is never done!

If it’s just the 2 of us, then it’s a simple dinner & movie. <3

My life is a series of picking up, dropping off, paying left & right then begin again. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. <3 Time flies by so fast that one day, my 3 munchkins will be independent & out the door before I can say “bye”. So I’m really putting an effort into spending as much time with them as I can. Besides, I’m just so glad that they need their mommy so much. It makes me indispensable in their eyes, lels. ;))
So I’m really sorry if I can’t go out on the one day (or two) that everybody in the working scene can. My plate is just too full on weekends -unless I take ALL of them along with me. Not that I’m complaining. 🙂

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  • Reply ewok1993

    you have certainly mastered the art of mothering teenagers, you don’t even have stress lines on that beautiful glowing face of yours. i know some mothers of teenagers are almost pulling their hair from “kunsimisyon”.

    February 25, 2014 at 9:13 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Oh maria, the beauty of photoshop haha. The hidden lines! ;))

      February 25, 2014 at 9:22 am
  • Reply Paper Treats .

    Hey, he’s my Dad’s tailor too! Haha!

    How much are the puppies? My friend is looking for one for her 4 year old. Ok ba for kids?

    February 25, 2014 at 9:47 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hay naku trisha pls you will be doing me a huge favor!!! <3 Will text you yay!!! :-*

      February 25, 2014 at 9:52 am
  • Reply Marilyn Astorga

    Good day,my Sunshine 🙂 .. Where can we buy that awesome aprons?? Sexy tayo dyan hehe

    February 25, 2014 at 10:00 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hahaha oo bga marilyn if only i cooked bibili ako ng isnagkatutak na sexy aprons! ;)) I put a facebook link pls look for a highlighted word sa post ko 🙂 if u click on it it will take u there. 🙂

      February 25, 2014 at 11:31 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      oh wait tomorrow pa pala yung link under BAMBA BISTRO hahaha.

      February 25, 2014 at 12:41 pm
  • Reply Michelle Melo (@michymichymoo)

    Wow. Your weekends are sooo intense, Mama Bear! 🙂

    February 25, 2014 at 11:35 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      oh yezzz. which is why i cannot commit to a date with u & baby bear since my weekends are really eaten up haha.

      February 25, 2014 at 12:42 pm
  • Reply First Wives Club (@nappyKAYE)

    Love the apron! Thought it was part of your ootd. Haha, how daring! Ako, I like my Saturdays LAZY!

    February 25, 2014 at 3:53 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      ha! wait til the kids grow up kaye! ;)) walang lazy saturdays hehe. :-*

      February 25, 2014 at 4:07 pm
  • Reply KassTastrophic

    Yan ang secret to being youthful – laging kasama ang kabataan! 🙂

    February 25, 2014 at 5:56 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      korak! ;)) kaya isip bata ako masyado ang impluwensya nila.

      February 25, 2014 at 7:06 pm
  • Reply MED (@Dandasha_8D)

    Look at ate’s pic in the car with Jela – her rosy cheeks are built in!?!?!?!? Due to exercise?!?! Inggit akooooo…

    February 26, 2014 at 2:03 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Yes. Built in hahaha. Pagurin ba naman niya ang sarili niya eh! 😛

      February 26, 2014 at 3:48 pm
  • Reply Didi T

    Mommy duties!! 🙂 You are such a wonderful Mommy, Jane!! 🙂
    Love and hugs to you and the kids!!

    Love, Didi

    February 26, 2014 at 11:05 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      As if naman I have other things to do in my life kasi Didi hahaha. Sila lang ang buhay ko. 😛

      February 26, 2014 at 11:06 pm
  • Reply Pagzy

    Your dog is so lucky to have you and your family 🙂 I can feel lots of love there!!!

    June 12, 2014 at 3:05 pm
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you so much!! <3 I'm happy to meet another dog lover who shares the same belief in treating pets as part of the family. :-*

      June 12, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    you have beautiful dogs.My daughter has a bulldog too. I’m interested in getting one and willing to make it part of my family. Do you have any suggestions.

    February 19, 2015 at 1:44 am
    • Reply sugargospice

      Thank you! 🙂 We have always been partial to english bulldogs. I guess the breed & size would depend on your needs. Our english bulldog is perfect for us because she doesn’t require daily exercise & high maintenance. She is a great companion dog as she would lie down & cuddle with us for hours on end & is happy witg very little activity haha.

      February 19, 2015 at 7:26 am

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