Yesss!!! It’s truly been a CRAZEE saturday!!! Went with the kids to an SOP (social outreach program). Had to help them since it was PARTLY my fault they had been banished to do INDIVIDUAL SOPs teehee! ;P The principal finally got fed up with the Mafia Moms & “got back” at us by telling the 1st year students they have to do SOPs on their own after we complained (yet again) about the location she wanted! @_@
To you Ms. Judith.. this is all I have to say.. Ha! I too have means & ways!!!
Fund raising/Food Sale! Took the whole morning!!! Hayzzzzz!!!
AT!!! nag-tindero pa talaga sila!
And sideline as cheerers!!!
for the Badminton team!!
Moving on…
Off to cheer for the basketball team, this time!
Go TEAM!!! m/
Spent the whole day drenched in SWEAT!!! Poor kids. I never want to do this again..except next week we have to go again for 2 more sessions to complete their requirements. Hmnnn.. next time I’ll think twice, even THRICE, before I mess with Ms. Judith again. Maybe!! ;P Can’t believe she called us ARTE to our own kids ha!!!
Highlight of the day? Went with my hunnybunny to Libis. He had a tennis tournament, so the brood & I just had a quick outfit change and dabs of cologne, then climbed the car as he was about to leave hehe & asked to be dropped off at Eastwood mall on his way to his Acropolis game. Pag sa mall, tanggal ang pagod!
We haven’t been in the mall for one minute when the girls already saw something they liked!! Now, if you don’t call that passion, I don’t know what is!!! ;))
Lavinia got sidelined with a cheetah pouch which she wanted to use as a pencil case.
Ate got distracted with hippie bracelets!!! @_@
Sooooo thirsty after a dehydrating day!!! Glad we passed by Happy Lemon. I’ve been wanting to try this! <3
Awwwww…. meant to be!!! <3 <3 <3
The girls went crazy over walang kwenta stuff at Beabi. What’s considered kalat for me is clearly important for them & makes them happy, sigh!!!
Pens & organizers galore!
And aren’t these cupcakes just the cutest??? <3
A;so passed by Royce. I’m too cheap to buy stuff for myself. The kids chipped in & bought me my favorite NAMA BITTER!!! <3 <3 <3 So Sweeeeeet my babiessssss!!!! <3 Thank you!!! :-*
Taking out 200 each to pay for my chocolate, hehe! <3
So many to choose from!!! @_@
A very happy me!!! ;))
Decided to have dinner while waiting for my hunnybunny to finish his game. Amazingly, the kids wanted Thai food… I’m shocked!!! Cultured na sila? Hahaha!!! ;))
Had dinner at My Thai
This shrimp cake is REALLY good ha. You have to try it!!! <3
This too..
and these Pad Thai noodles!!! <3
Went home happy to nibble on my..
Super tired. Need my beauty sleep. hasta la Vista guys! :-*
You're so lucky to have such sweet kids!
September 24, 2011 at 3:38 pmThank you, Trisha!!! <3 when Matteo gets older, he will be sweet to you too. Great moms produce great kids, hahaha!!! ;))
September 24, 2011 at 11:15 pm