
Costume Preview

Do you remember the song by the Pointer Sisters that goes: I’m so excited.. and I just can’t hide it!!! 😉 Well, that’s exactly what I’m feeling now!

I just saw MY COSTUME from my mananahi, Nanay Fina! I made some minor adjustments from my original design, and it came out soooooo cute!!! It’s not yet finished though, I just had a fitting, but by the looks of it, it’s off to a great start! <3 She just needs to coat my heart collar with red velvet & make my crown. Can’t wait!!!

Nanay Fina makes the nicest costumes talaga.
I really love her. She makes most of my tops too! ;))

Oh, I almost forgot about my minions, hahaha!!! ;P Of course they have their costumes too. They are, after all, my supporting cast! Hats off also to my shirt maker who really got my design to a T! I’m so happy!!! <3

Surprise text at the back of their shirts! 🙂

I can’t wait for the next Lhuillier fabulous halloween party on the 22nd!!! Last year was really amazing…

Ambassado Lhuillier as Mr. Moneybags. How fitting! 😉
With Ketchup & Mustard! 🙂
With the wrestling couple Maning & Rosanne
With CHUCKY!! @_@
and the Queen of Hearts, which is my new title this year haha! 😛

Wanna K.I.S.S ??? :))

Plug & Socket.. very original! 🙂

And oh, the FOOD!! the DRINKS!!! Everything was FLOWING!!!

The Lhuilliers have their very own pugon to make pizza!!!
Which the guests enjoyed to the max!
See why I need a costume? These are serious party peeps!! 😉

One hecka confident lady! 😉

And speaking of parties, bought some essentials for my hunny bunny’s birthday get-together (on a much much smaller scale!) with his tennis buds on saturday! Where else.. in SM -where they’ve got it all! :))

Don’t know where all my old party plates, glasses, spoon & fork went..
Sigh! Had to buy new ones! @_@

Tomorrow, I will have to hide all our furniture again to make room for party tables & chairs. WISH ME LUCK!!! ;P

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