
Circuit Fest

My babyson is NOTICEABLY absent in my past posts coz he went to CIRCUIT FEST last saturday,  a music & skate festival. Hindi type ni ate. Emo daw. Plus she didn’t know the songs. So deadma. Only my babyson went with their common friends…
The Circuit Fest 2013, a music & skate festival featuring nine great foreign acts plus LIVE skate exhibition by Willy Santos and Riley Hawk in one big festival.
Willy Santos is a Filipino-American professional skateboarder & one of the first skaters that Tony Hawk, the legendary skateboarder, chose to be part of his skateboarding team Birdhouse Skateboards, a team that Santos is still currently a member of to this day.
Photo & caption credits: Circuit Fest
Riley Hawk started out skating transitions at a young age and he quickly adapted to the board and was pulling tricks that skaters his father’s age were having trouble doing. As he aged, street became his priority and he picked up tricks quickly. His well-rounded abilities have helped him do well in contests, and more importantly, push his skating and level of fun to new places.
Photo & caption credits: Circuit Fest
800 GA, 3.5k to ROCK, 5k to MOSH. 2PM-2AM!
They MOSHED! m/
Thank you dearest Judith for the tickets!!! <3
Ganito na pala ang concerts, este MUSIC FESTIVALS ngayon. Chill na. Wala nang upuan, wala pang bubong. Wow.
The gwapings! ;)) 
Such cuties, I swear! <3
 Enjoy what’s left of the summer, loves. Remember, you party hard, you also work hard. m/
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  • Reply Nicole Avenido

    I went to CircuitFest too and I saw your son! I badly wanted a photo with him and was about to shout "Hey, Jonah!" when I remembered that no, he doesn't know me. Hahaha. I feel like I know you guys already.. =))

    May 29, 2013 at 8:01 am
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    Awwww that's too bad! </3 He would have gotten kilig for sure hahaha. Next time!!! :-*

    May 29, 2013 at 11:24 am
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