
Christmas Goodies

I’m finally done shopping for my loved ones, whew!!! I’m so excited for them to open their gifts. I went all the way this year & got them super nice gifts that my wallet is actually having nightmares! ;P

My super happy tree!!! <3

Last year, I asked my mananahi, Nanay Fina, to make me SANTA SACKS
coz the kids kept guessing my gifts! :((
They would poke, probe & shake each gift & took out the surprise, hmp!!
So I smartened up & hid their gifts in individual sacks.
But I don’t put the right gifts in the right sack to confuse them more.
Mighty clever, if I do say so. Mwahaha!!!
I’m just waiting for the packages from “santa” to be delivered via UPS!!!
It has something to do with their gifts!!
I can’t contain my excitement!!! @_@

This year, one of my BFFs Nancy has been mighty helpful in my christmas shopping. Without her, I wouldn’t have a super nice gift for my hunny… Best of all, it already arrived on her doorstep!!! m/ Thank you so much Nans for agreeing to haul it all the way home. I super duper love you, and I owe you BIG TIME!!! :-*

My hunny wants the Babolat Overdrive 105 which unfortunately is still not in local stores! Believe me, I went to ALL sporting goods house & called ALL branches.. the one he wants will only be available in the Phils next year. So I’m really really thankful to Nancy for agreeing to HAND-CARRY this huge racket on her way home.

AND.. she got this for spoiled brat too! ;))
Price: £55.00
Colour: BLACK

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! <3

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