
Christmas Cantata

My Lovey & the rest of the carolers went to St. Lukes at the Fort yesterday to sing at the Lobby for patients & guests of the hospital.

Their school’s musical director, Mr. Jomar, is back. He is actually just the music teacher but I prefer to think of him as the musical director of the school, haha, because he does his job so well (promotion & a raise please). He devotes his time to concoct big production numbers & musicals every year. The school’s extra-curricular activities would definitely be non-existent if not for active teachers like him.

The very active Mr. Jomar
Last year’s musical production number at Insular.

Yes, I do resent the long hours they put into practice -I have to keep going back & forth in picking up my kids at different times haha, but it’s all worth it after I watch their heart-warming, tear-inducing presentation.

Here are some photos my hunny took while I was busy chatting up a storm with the moms..

Awww… lovey will surely miss you two!!! :'((

With the ever supportive moms (and a lola) who chaperoned, cheered for, and car-pooled! 🙂

The carolers were given snacks after their presentation. How thoughtful! 🙂
One proud momma! <3

Sigh.. 4 more days ’til CHRISTmas break… can’t wait!!! <3

PS- I don’t think my hair looks THAT bad!!!

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