
Buddha Bar

It was a long weekend with nothing to do, so to spice up our otherwise boring life, I took the brood to Buddha Bar the other night! 😉

You don’t really see the establishment along Kalayaan Ave.,
Instead, you see this huge sign, then you make a left to get to the actual place. 
It was surprisingly quiet when we got there at 9:30PM.
Maybe because it was a Monday, but a holiday nonetheless..
We were able to park right in front!
Lucky Cool dudes & dudettes! 😉
I was never a party girl, so clubbin’ with my posse was a great & new way to spend a beautiful monday night. Buddha Bar was truly a delight & a night of posh-ness -10k worth! @_@
The 525 seat-capacity Buddha Bar, franchised by the AMA Group of Companies from Paris, boasts of 4 levels. Basement, where the powder rooms are located (such wasted space I think -they could have made it private function rooms)…
My pretty girls! <3
Basement. It was a hassle going down those lovely stairs in their heels.
Found out too late that there was an elevator, teehee! ;P
Powder room.. also SO VERY DARK!
Yes, even inside the cubicles…
The Ground Floor where the partying happens! (They have dancing friday & saturday nights) Mostly serves drinks & pica. When we were there though, the music was like “transic”, maybe kasi chill lang ang drama! 😉

Buddha watches over us! ;P
This is the dance floor on weekends (fridays & saturdays, except sundays -they are closed.
So be sure to call ahead. They don’t allow reservations on the ground floor -only on the dining areas at the 2nd floor.) 
Happy peeps! <3
The bodyguards! 😉
Another lovely stairway going to the 2nd floor.
Again, they have an elevator. Do use it if you’re wearing heels! 😉

The Second Floor which is the dining area. Pardon the darkness of the pictures, short of using a flashlight & disturbing the other guests, there was really nothing I can do. It was really pitch-black inside with just small candles illuminating the area. (Click HERE for daytime pics so you can fully appreciate the beauty & grandeur. I want this as peg when we finally build my dream house!)

Lovely formal place settings.
Take your date here, pogi points agad for sure! 😉
Just be prepared to shell out A LOT!
View downstairs from the dining area..
Private function room on the 2nd floor.

The Third Floor which is the covered Rooftop, is rented out for 300k/night (consumable) for private parties/events. Expensive, ya think? They rent out the whole place for a cool 1M/night! Hows that for poshness? 😛

It was drizzling when we went there so the furniture & lounge chairs were covered up. 
No, this is not a swimming pool!
They allow kids even on the ground floor (I’m not sure on weekends though), just no alcoholic beverages for them! ;P
So even my Lovey was able to enjoy clubbin’ that night. <3 SOSI!
Otherwise, we would have been forced to stay on the 2nd floor while the juvies partied downstairs.
The drinks, The food (all-asian fusion cuisine)…

(L) Heart of Darkness 360 php (sour grapes)
(R) either The Ultimate 360 php, Asia Politan 320 php, or the Majestic 330 php.
(F) Oh my Dog! 340 php
(B)  either The Ultimate 360 php, Asia Politan 320 php, or the Majestic 330 php.
(R) Tequila Sunrise 280 php
(L)  either The Ultimate 360 php, Asia Politan 320 php, or the Majestic 330 php.
Apple Gray Tea 350 php
Do not let this deceive you. MALAKAS ANG DATING NYA!
Soon-turning-18 girls, on the lookout for debut places to partey the night away! 😉 
Vegetable Samosa 290 php 
Pan-fried Dumpling 290 php
Spicy Crunchy Tuna 520 php
Maki Pink 420 php
Matthew’s BBQ chicken (with rice) 590 php
Photo credits: my JANA <3
Shrimp Tempura 680 php
Photo credits: my JANA <3
Chocolate Bar 290 php
Photo credits: my JANA <3
Choco Liquor (molten lava) 310 php
Not included in the pictures: Tropical smoothies 160 php each, Berry Smoothie 180 php, Crispy Chicken Wings 580 php, BB Chicken Salad 380 php, Maki California Ebiko 150 php, and Tsing Tao Beer.
Add service charge, Sales Tax & VAT.
Total bill came out to almost 10k.

The merchandise..
They sell souvenir shirts too.

I like this clubbin’ thing. Maybe we’ll do this again very soon. Google up babies! *Saving up mode*. 😉

Buddha Bar

Picar Place, Kalayaan Ave, Makati
856 6859 • 856 6719

It’s easy to get lost if you’re not familiar with makati.
We made so many wrong turns that we almost gave up, haha!
So here’s a map to help you, coz you really have to visit the place even JUST ONCE.
That’s how beautiful the place is -it was like you were in another country! ;P
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  • Reply xoxoMrsMartinez | Mrs-Martinez.com

    OMG! That's a lot of money spend on one night! But you guys look so happy and that's the most important thing!xoxoMrsMartinez

    August 22, 2012 at 1:25 pm
  • Reply Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice

    hahaha what we saved on a supposed overnight beach trip was spent in under 3 hours!!! akala ko nakatipid! ;)) But yes the happiness on the kids faces -priceless! 😉

    August 22, 2012 at 2:10 pm
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