Boys & their toys! No matter how old they get, I think boys will be boys & will forever be enamored with their toys! @_@
My hunny loves to tinker with anything that involves engines. That’s fine by me, as long he keeps his hands off girls, he can tinker away all he wants!
So last month, he got hold of a yellow scooter, a major fixer-upper. He was thrilled, needless to say! He has always wanted a big bike, but he fears armageddon (slash, my wrath) so he contented himself with a scooter instead. One day, I just saw it parked in our garage. Things cropping up in our garage doesn’t surprise or faze me anymore… I have come to accept my fate! ;P
Last week, he tried to pick up Lovey in school, he wanted to surprise her. But the scooter wouldn’t budge. He put his skills to use the whole week, and tada.. yesterday it finally cooperated. So he picked up our lavinia.
I wasn’t surprised when she called from school & asked if I can go & pick her up. She didn’t want to ride the scooter –golf car was as far as she would go! ;)) I begged her to give it a chance, since her dad went through all that effort to surprise her, haha! Knowing there’s no other way, she finally agreed. And had fun!
I want MY turn too! But I don’t think that yellow thing can carry my weight! Now, what to name it???
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