All 3 kids are once again back in school. </3 I’m so grateful for the 1 month transition period where Ate got to stay with me while the 2 younger kids went back to school last June. I would have gone into depression had all 3 gone back at the same time. As it is, I am missing them terribly.
I know most moms are happy & pretty relieved when their kids go back to school & they can assume regular programming after a summer of chaos. But I get really really sad when I have to say goodbye in the morning & wait practically the whole day before I can see them again. And it’s not only now that I’m feeling the empty nest syndrome. This happens every single time that school resumes.
Thank goodness blogging keeps me busy. I think I need to get an online part-time job to keep me preoccupied. Can you recommend one please? Even my dear Lelly isn’t helping much. As usual, she just sleeps the day away & only comes alive when the kids are home.
This school year is the 2 younger ones’ second year in a new school. I’m so happy that there is no more drama this time around (knock on wood). My Lovey, although she was apprehensive at first because she didn’t know anyone in her class (there are around 9 classes/level after all), has quite blossomed & is not as insecure. I gave her the option of homeschooling this year, but I’m so proud of how brave she is now to face uncertainties head on. She has really grown, matured, & become independent in the one year that she’s been in a big school. I really must say we made the right move. On her first day, I was really anxious how her day would go & my stomach was tied in knots. I was worried that she wouldn’t have anyone to eat lunch with. I was so relieved to find a smiling 14-year-old daughter when I picked her up from school, who made new friends in her class. <3
My babyson on the other hand, has so many friends now & our home has been their hangout place in more occasion than one. Of course, his friends are most welcome anytime. I am so happy that from only 1 guy friend in his old school the first 2 years of his high school life, my babyson has made so many new friends in his new school. And, he found a beautiful girlfriend to boot! We’re also excited because this is his senior year & he is applying to the Big 4. I am hoping he will get into Ate’s college for pre-med so they can carpool & maybe share a condo as a halfway home. Time flies so fast, pretty soon I’ll have 2 kids in college!
Ate will also be reviewing this year for her med proper entrance test. Oftentimes, when I see her burning the midnight oil, I ask myself it I’m right in encouraging her along to be a Doctor. She is always deep in her books once school starts that I feel so bad for her. College shouldn’t be this hard. Most of her peers in high school have only another year to go before they’re through with school, while she has 4 more years to go. I’m so very proud of her determination & will power. I know the amount of work she puts into school & how hard she pushes herself to excel. I wish that all her efforts will bear fruit.
Kap & I have a lovelife once again, now that we have some privacy. I always get distracted when the kids are around, so now he has my full attention. Also, it’s been quiet in the foodie front since the 3 months that I’ve been with KTG, eating our way around town one place at a time. I’m more concentrated on mommy duties now like picking up since school has started & Ate has Anderson, so I’ve had to turn down some invites with regrets. Plus I’m just too sad, I’ll only be bad company. I really have nothing but time on my hands as I wait for my loved ones to come home.
Every year, I face this dilemma. Thank you my dear readers, for always being there to listen to me. For talking to me, and for encouraging me.
PS: If you don’t have an instagram account on your phone but would still like to see some real-time family photos, just CLICK HERE to get to my webstagram. Some of you may be disappointed thinking I post food shots like the rest on my Instgram, but I only have people shots mixed in with some food shots to keep it interesting for the rest who don’t care for the goppets much, lels.
Hi Ms Jane! Reading this post while munching breakfast in my office cubicle painted a smile on my face. It made me miss my mom- she is also a hands on mom just like you. We had yayas before but she would pack our lunches, and even make our reviewers for the quarterly exams. Mothers play a huge role in a child’s life, they are our security blanket. You’re blessed with such great kids, and they are also blessed to have you as their mom (and Kap as their dad)
Cant wait to fly home this weekend to be with my mom too 
July 17, 2014 at 8:50 amThank you for putting a smile on MINE, Jackie! :-* Yes I’m so blessed to have such a close relationship with my kids. I’f keep them close always if I could. Excited for you to reunite with your mom. <3 Have fun & bonding moments to bring with you when you have to leave again.
July 17, 2014 at 12:36 pmI feel you, Ms. Jane. Even though I still have a few good years before Morgan goes to College, my Hubs and I joke that we will be retired by then and would just move wherever State she decides to attend school. Naku! Can you imagine?! Anyway, I dont think there is ever a day that they doubt how lucky they are to have you as their mom. I hope you will be comforted by the thought that you’ve helped mold future doctors! Kaya okay lang yan, Ms. Jane. Keribels lang hugs*
July 17, 2014 at 12:56 pmAwwww thank you Emily you’re always so sweet to me. I really appreciate you!! :-*
July 17, 2014 at 1:21 pmawwww dont be sad Jane just think sem break is just around the corner
plus xmas break pa!
July 17, 2014 at 1:56 pmhuhuhu okay i will thank you franny!! :-*
July 17, 2014 at 7:22 pmIts so nice and warm to read about your family again
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy your food posts but posts like this is why I fell in love with your blog in the first place… Its so normal and readers like me can completely relate. Thank you.
July 17, 2014 at 2:30 pmThank you Mavie I value your feedback! :-*
July 17, 2014 at 7:25 pm“Kap & I have a lovelife once again, now that we have some privacy. :P” — WINNER!
Momma J, really love how supportive you are to your kids. Well done for encouraging them with their academics, as well as learning more stuff beyond the four walls of a classroom! x
July 17, 2014 at 7:30 pmThank you Leng! Although kung pupwede lang ako na magtuturo so they can stay home hahaha! :-*
July 17, 2014 at 7:46 pmI enjoy reading your stories about Jana, Jonah and Jena… you are such a supportive mama and I’m sure the three feels the same about you Ms. Jane.

July 18, 2014 at 10:50 amThank you Mich!
Yes they love me super. So blessed. <3
July 18, 2014 at 4:10 pmYour kids are so blessed to have you and vice versa. BTW love your photo too
July 18, 2014 at 8:52 pmThank you so much!! :-*
July 19, 2014 at 11:03 pm14 lang pala si baby girl! <3
July 31, 2014 at 8:47 amYes but she looks 16 na diba? Dalaga na sobra kumilos siguro kasi laging ate nya ang kasama haha.
July 31, 2014 at 10:35 am