
American Night

Last night was American Night at the Buensalidas. It’s gonna be pretty much the last biggie for my adoptive family since school is starting.  No more long nights -Saaaaddd!!! :'((

Themed nights mean themed outfits! ;P
We brought burgers -which, I’m proud to say, is my hunny’s specialty! 😉
Ate Marita always slaves for us, so sweet <3

Ate Marita’s Chopped BBQ Chicken Salad & my garnishes for the burgers.
Ate’s salad -just like CPK’s I tell ya! <3
and junk food -just the way we like it, haha! 😛
Judith’s Frozen Strawberry Margarita! <3
My yummy plate. Nomnomnom.
Happy kids
Happy old farts ;P
Pampering somewhere in the midst…
Reunited with her playmates- finally! ;))
2 weeks seem so long to be parted ways.
My bebe girl is now happy that she has her age-group in the party to hang with, haha.
Awww… missing Sophie who spent 2 weeks in Bohol with her family! <3
Going gaga over the fishies.. 

Teeny tiny manta ray.. soooo cute!
I want my own aquarium too!!!
Having fun..
I’m happy how the kids are already so close in such a short time.
They truly love each other now. <3
Chillaxin’ by the pool over a tennis game on TV.. 
Just hangin’.. 
Baby version of poker hehe..
Tasha’s Chocolate Overload from Contis. OVERLOAD!!! <3
Happy 20th birthday, Jaime! :-*

“I will miss you” moments! <3
Ate has been particularly closest to Jasmine.
Don’t worry girls, we will still make time for each other.
I love you so much, my dear family. You’re the best thing that happened to us this year. Summer was fun because of you guys. This is DEFINITELY not goodbye, but SEE YA LATER, alligater! :-*
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1 Comment

  • Reply The Mommist

    Love looking at your pics! Fun! Fun! Fun!www.themommist.blogspot.com

    June 4, 2012 at 5:44 pm
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