
Advance Birthday Celebration with The Clan..

Birthdays are meant to be shared with people closest to your heart –so last saturday, The Clan had an all-day outing at tagaytay highlands.

While the tennistas played SEVERAL games, I babysat the kids as they swam, played mini-golf, rode the cable car, bowled & whiled the time away with other tiring (for me, at least) activities!!! The oldies had it good, I’m telling ya! I had the raw end of the deal, hahaha! 😛

Met up for lunch, everyone was really hungry!!!

Kiddie table

Adult table
Ordered enough food to feed an army -2 of each!!! And we finished ’em all! ;P

More activities after.. and more eating too…

Dinner at Gerry’s Grill in Solenad 2.

Happy birthday to me!!!! ;))

Oh to be young & wild & free! ;P No, not me. Hahaha!

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