

PROMPOSAL. Never knew what it was until my babyson told me about it. Apparently, it’s THE THING to do when asking a gal to be your date for the prom.. in HIGH SCHOOL! The promposal is an extravagant public affair. Think choreographed dance numbers, serenades, elaborate scavenger hunts and dramatic staging, with “Prom?” painted on a procession of cars, draped off bridges, or slipped into fortune cookies.

New kid on the block as a high school Junior, my babyson wasn’t really too keen on getting on the bandwagon UNTIL he found “The One.” Then it became a series of discussion after discussion with his siblings as to what he can do for his lady love as early as AUGUST 2013, even though we all knew he was a shoo-in as her date. I mean, seriously? They were already an “item”. Who the heck would she go to the prom with except for her boyfie right?

It appears that at the high school where he goes to, promposal is a big thing & you are considered a wuss if you don’t make a grand gesture or an elaborate scheme to get your girl to say “YES”. Naturally, I didn’t want my son to be called a wuss. Oh no, not in my lifetime. So we pooled in our ideas & came up with a motorcade.. and a MASCOT! With balloons, flowers, party poppers, personalized t-shirts and the works.

Click HERE to see the simplest (flower bouquet), and HERE to see the most extravagant (renting a whole movie theater) Promposal from high school kids!!! @_@

Last Feb 6 -which I’m sure will be one of his unforgettable moments, my babyson staged the biggest production number of his life at 16.. he PROM-posed! (Ok, maybe with a BIG little help from his mom) ;P

At first, we considered a FLASH MOB. But he wanted their common friends to be in on it as the dancers -not just complete strangers whom mommy put together. It posed a major problem, what with the conflicting schedules of all the kids. And frankly, teens at 16 were irresponsible. Believe me, I KNOW. They don’t know the meaning of keeping their word. Or keeping a schedule for that matter. So flash mob was out of the question. It would have been cute though, right?

Then he wanted to prompose in Manila Ocean Park where he will swim in the aquarium with the fishies. I killed that idea right in the bud. Baliw ba sya? Gusto ba niyang malunod? Gusto ba niyan makain ng pating??? @_@

Next we thought of Cupid coming out of a big gift box with a banner, but that seemed too “macho-dancer-ish” so that was a NO. Besides, I probably couldn’t get a parent to allow the child to be hidden inside a box full of balloons teehee.

After many many MANY more suggestions & ideas, he finally agreed on a motorcade with a mascot.. and the works. We got the service of a 2-eyed Minion care of SIM, or SPLURGE IN MEMORIES.

Contact Robert Esquillo for your mascot needs at 0917-8070852. I was very happy with how he assisted us from start to finish, very professional.


Robert drove the mascot to my house himself! Talk about personalized service. Thank you so much talaga Robert. It was really nice meeting you. 🙂


The very cute, very huggable minion!!! <3
3.5 k/1 hour.
I really though I would have to shell out at least 10k, so I was really happy I found SIM who gave me the best deal ever! <3


My day started as early as 8am getting ready for my babyson’s promposal -from decorating, to buying, to organizing & manning. Everything had to be perfect for him & his gal.


Yellow & Blue to match the color of our cute minion.


This was a big production number that entailed the help of so many people whom I am so grateful for! <3
Our cook made the beautiful pompoms & buntings which we hung on the vehicles to make them look romantic & festive.
I had 5 drivers, 2 household helpers, 4 friends who graciously lent their vehicles, 2 of my babyson’s friends, and my 2 girls as accomplices to pull this off. Whew!


Props for the picnic! Nabulabog ang buong bahay grabe! ;))


I really couldn’t have done this on my own. Kinailangan ko ang buong barangay to help me.
Next year uli HOMAYGAS. Ano na naman kaya ang pakulo ng binata ko???


Picnic site in Cuenca field where my babyson specifically asked me to set up for his lady love. Nilanggam ako ha! Thank you Baygon!



Rose petals which I bought early in the morning, along with the bouquet my babyson requested.



Cooler with assorted drinks, CHECK. Girlfriend’s favorite pizza (cheese & tomato), CHECK. Sandwich platter from Almon Marina, CHECK. Italian cake for dessert, CHECK.
Sorry, hanggang ganyan lang talaga ang kinaya ng powers ko. I should have asked my friend MED to help me out! Ngarag na ako so bahala na si batman!




Upon his signal, the mini-motorcade started.
In as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t make the motorcade longer because of the school zone traffic.
I’m so thankful to Kap’s many other friends who offered to lend their golfcarts as well that day which we had to turn down.



It was so hard to sneak past this tight security. They wouldn’t allow my minion to get down from the vehicle coz we were already causing traffic huhu. Mabuti nalang makulit ako. They finally relented after I kept shrieking that they were ruining the promposal! @_@



Thank you manong guard for finally allowing my minion to step down from his spaceship. :-*



The delighted audience. It was already 5PM by the time we got the GO signal, so most students have already left for home. Sayang.



With matching confetti!



But what’s important is my boy & his gal were happy! <3



They had a couples “?” shirt. How cute! m/
His: Katie, Will you go to Prom with me?
Hers: I SAID YES! 😉



I had their shirts custom-printed at PRINT in Alabang Town Center beside Bear Hugs.
450/shirt with front & back prints. 300 php if front only.
Just email or bluetooth your photos to them & they’ll do the rest.
30 minutes wait.




Yep. She’s happy all right! ;)) Mission accomplished!





2 dozen roses don’t account for much nowadays.
Gah! Look at how puny thoses roses are! Ang mahal pa coz Valentine season boo! 🙁



Like everything else, it was a family effort. <3Whoever gets my son gets the entire family! ;P
Too bad Kap was at yet another never-ending friggin’ Petron Seminar! @_@



And off they went into the sunset riding their steed. Ay, STEEL pala!



Prince charming & his lady love. <3



Buti pa si Katie, inalalayan. Ako kaya gumulong-gulong pababa! @_@



A smile from them and all my exhaustion vanished just like that. <3
This is why I insisted on the kids moving school. So they can have a great high school experience.
Everything was worth it.


Grand gestures & memories to last a lifetime. That’s what I always like to create for the kids. Enough for them to always remember that mommy loves them very much, and would do anything for their happiness. 🙂



Just got prom-posed! 😉
And it was a good one too.

Because their dad wasn’t able to witness the whole thing, Ate made a video for him to watch…

If it’s not too much, may I ask that you CLICK ON THIS LINK & simply “LIKE” their notice in the PROM COMMITTEE website? 🙂 Maybe they’ll win the Best Prom-posal Award with your help. Consider it an early birthday gift for me pretty please, my dear readers? THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart! <3


Oh. And Happy Valentine’s Day!!! 🙂 Now tell me, isn’t this the cutest, most fitting post for LOVE day?

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  • Reply MED (@Dandasha_8D)

    Spell B-O-N-G-G-A?!?!?!

    Bakit parang ako ang kinikilig to the highest level?!?!?!

    I swear, present ang buong barangay ng Ayala Alabang to help out! Ang daming fans! LoL

    You did great, J! Luv, luv, luv your prom-posal to the highest level.

    February 14, 2014 at 8:24 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hay naku meding kung malapit ka lang at tinulungan mo ako i’m sure winner na ang promposal ng binata ko huhuhu. Ikaw ang queen of pakulo haha. Mwah! :-*

      February 14, 2014 at 9:18 am
  • Reply besYS (@bes9YS)

    Like – Done.
    Wow!!! big production! Ganda!!
    Best Mommy ka talaga Jane! :-))

    February 14, 2014 at 8:41 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      thank you! 🙂 I do my best. I’m a slave to love ;))

      February 14, 2014 at 9:17 am
  • Reply Millicent Joy (Mills)

    ~ hahaha! i love how crazy supportive you are to your kids, Mommy Jane! Bonggang production number – winner! Have a great Valentines day with Mr. Kap and your family!

    February 14, 2014 at 8:49 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Thank you mills! 🙂 Happy love day to you as well mwah! :-*

      February 14, 2014 at 9:16 am
  • Reply Marie Elaine

    OMG! Bongga! You’re a sweet mom sobra! ♥ Grabe, the kids these days are so advanced may prom-posal na? =D Pano na sa panahon ng kids ko? jets writing i love you in the sky? billboard prom-posal? firework? wahhhhhh

    February 14, 2014 at 9:48 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hahaha kaya habol na agad Elaine daliiii!! Babies na agad haha! :-* Uuuuuyyy may nabasa akong billboard proposal daw sa Edsa for a certain Olivia

      February 14, 2014 at 9:51 am
  • Reply Jeng del Rosario

    OMG i must be super old … I remebered back when … hay.. prom….
    …. ikaw na talaga mama bear!!! galing galing !!!! effort talaga grabe!!!! Congrats to jonah !!!! Ikaw na sir!!

    February 14, 2014 at 11:51 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Pwede din nating gawin yan for you-know-who, baby bear. Just give me a signal suportahan talaga kita hahaha! ;))

      February 14, 2014 at 11:58 am
  • Reply First Wives Club (@nappyKAYE)

    Wow! Your boy must be so proud to have you as his momma! Thanks for leaving me props on my Instagram account (@momma_makes_imbento). And yes, I go to Victory Greenhills. 🙂 I liked the video! I hope they win!

    February 14, 2014 at 12:42 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Thank you so much Kaye for going through the trouble in facebook to “like” ha I super appreciate it!! <3 You're so sweet! I'll help you when RL will prompose na but you also help me with the im-BENTO boxes now haha!

      February 14, 2014 at 9:09 pm
  • Reply Lara dela Paz

    Wow!! Your kids are so blessed to have you as their Mom. Seeing this made me missed my high school days. Haha

    February 14, 2014 at 2:25 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Thank you Lara! I also miss my HS days with kap hehe. 🙂

      February 14, 2014 at 2:42 pm
  • Reply ewok1993

    it’s a huge production na pala ngaun. buti na lang you know your way around doing these things.

    February 14, 2014 at 2:27 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hay naku maria it’s the rage yung promposal page nila punong-puno ng pa-sweetums nilanggam ako haha!

      February 14, 2014 at 2:44 pm
  • Reply Marilyn Astorga

    Ngayon palang bongga na … Lucky me kung ikaw ang MIL ko ,, Happiness!!

    February 14, 2014 at 2:53 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Ahahaha thank you what a sweet compliment Marilyn!! :-*

      February 14, 2014 at 3:06 pm
  • Reply ella vicedo

    Like what i’ve said Miss Jane, ikaw ang dream potential mother in law ng lahat ng girlfriend sa mundo. 🙂 Oh my gosh-jaw dropping-breath stopping kind of effort..my gadddd!!! Nakaka inggeettt!! hahaha :))) Happy lalala-L♥ve day Go family! Mwaaahhhhh!!!!

    February 14, 2014 at 3:01 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Naku akala nyo lang yan ella haha super pakialamera akong MiL hindi pupwede hahaha pakikialaman ko lahat maloloka silaaaa! :))

      February 14, 2014 at 3:05 pm
  • Reply Marian Lee

    Oh, Ms. Jane! Had a bad start this morning but your “Buti pa si Katie inalalayan. Ako kaya gumulong-gulong pababa!” statement just had me in stitches! Love this post po. 😀

    February 14, 2014 at 4:20 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      you’d be laughing more if i posted my gumulong-gulong picture hahaha! Awww i hope the rest of your day went well na Marian!! :-*

      February 14, 2014 at 6:36 pm
  • Reply Albert Rendal

    you are a great Mom, your son is very lucky….done liking on Prom Committee.. goodluck and GODBLESS

    February 14, 2014 at 11:06 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      Thank you so much Albert! Hope you had a great V-day! 🙂

      February 15, 2014 at 8:16 am
  • Reply kassiekasskass

    Oh, young L♡VE!
    Winner na Mommy ka talaga, Mommy Jane.
    You’ll be a great MIL – you know what they say, you are your (baby)son’s first love so he will most likely marry someone like you 😉

    February 16, 2014 at 1:14 am
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      thank you kassie! And yes omg i am starting to notice that she is ME in every way possible hahaha lagot si babyson! ;))

      February 16, 2014 at 1:15 am
      • Reply KassTastrophic

        If she is indeed like you in every way, then busog na busog sa love si (baby)son mo – She will love him as much as you do. Naks… <3

        February 17, 2014 at 1:22 pm
        • Reply Sugar and Spice

          But remember I have a positive as well as a negative side hahaha. So grabe din yung negative side nya sa tingin ko kaya wag na wag siyang gagalitin ni babyson mwahaha!! ;P

          February 17, 2014 at 1:42 pm
  • Reply Anna Chua

    i’m feeling so old right now! don’t even know what PROM-posal is till read your blog. you’re such an awesome mom! 🙂

    February 17, 2014 at 12:19 am
  • Reply edelweiza

    You are one super sweet momma, Ms. Jane! Pasensya na at first time ko lang narinig tong “prom-posal” na ito, ang cute naman ng concept at nakakakilig! It really shows on their faces na kinikilig sila Jonah at Katie. Hay, ang sarap maging bagets at in love forever! 🙂

    February 17, 2014 at 2:26 pm
    • Reply Sugar and Spice

      hay if only we can bring back time noh edel? Sarap maging bata uli haha.

      February 17, 2014 at 2:28 pm

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