Beauty & Fashion Celebrations & Occasions Food & Dining Kap & Me My Kids The GOppets

Ate’s DEBUT.. Finally!

Yesss! After months of preparations & tiring dance rehearsals.. making a couple of music videos & song recordings, I can proudly say that Ate’s debut was a FLYING SUCCESS!
You can watch her UBER CUTE music videos HERE & HERE.. 

Salon De Ning matches Ate’s personality to a T.

She wanted a very simple dress with a removable skirt so she can party the night away in comfort. She’s into turquoise now. (She changes her favorite color like she changes outfits! :P) Even as a child, she never liked elaborate, over-the-top frilly dresses. Boo! 🙁 Thanks to ANN CHAVES of PLUMA in ATC.


Tears flowed down my cheeks as she came in & strutted to the center of the stage of Salon de Ning of The Manila Peninsula last night. My baby -now a LEGAL lady! :'(( Ouch!

Legal na si Atey!

As early as 1 in the afternoon when we got to the hotel, her dad & I took turns & worked our a$$e$ off making sure everything was picture perfect for her. When it was finally time for the party to start, basa na uli kili-kili ko haha!

A separate vehicle to hold all our shizzz & props! 😛

I didn’t get an organizer anymore coz 1) I’m a cheapskate! Ayaw ko magbayad -kaya ko yan is my motto! 2) More importantly, I wanted us to bond & make memories together. From choosing the place, to making payments, down to the littlest details. And because we did everything ourselves, ate & I have a treasure trove full of wonderful memories together! <3

Cuptails! (cupcake cocktails – liquor infused) A gift, among other things, from one of her Treasures. <3

Mega HIT among the teens! Yummy daw sobra! m/ So were the cocktail drinks. UBOS! ;P

Since Salon De Ning only served pica-picas, I ordered a HUGE lechon & roast beef carving so ate’s guests don’t go hungry.

Mixing drinks, let’s PAAAARTEY! ;))

With Nico, who made the 18 dances really ROCK! Thank you so much, Nico!! <3

I’m so happy her only cousins came! <3 Even though their dad was noticeably absent. Time heals all wounds.. or maybe not…

With mother & the Super Friends who are all Treasure Presenters! <3

Ate’s superfriends! <3

Happy & proud parentals… ;))

My baby girl says her thanks. <3

Here’s her speech.. the last part was solely for me. Awwww!!!! <3 Kakaiyak ba!!! Thank you Ate for loving me & valuing me so!!! <3 <3 <3
And last but definitely not the least, to my best friend, the person who I most definitely cannot live without, my soul sister. Thank you so much mommy for being the kind of mom others can only dream of having. I’m so glad I can come to you for everything. I have never experienced a love greater than yours. You have given me everything humanly possible and you continue to give me anything my silly little heart desires. I remember when we were little kids, you’d sneak us out while dad was at basketball. You’d take us to Rustans to buy toys, and we’d get so excited to open them that you’d stop on the side of the road and cut up all the box & plastic so dad won’t find out that we shopped for toys again. Then, we’d dispose them in someone’s random trash then go home and pretend nothing happened. You are our partner in crime. You spoil me not only with material things but with so much love and warmth that I feel I’ve had the perfect childhood. You loved me even when I was ugly inside and out. You always put me first. You have always protected me, even from alien attacks that aired on television. Though it was impossible to shield me from all the hurt, you shared the load and you made it easier for me to endure it all. And now, we’re finally free. I love you so much mom and I hope that one day I can make you feel as special as you make me feel everyday.

My wonderful family! <3 Thank you Lord! Fats ko nalang po lusawin Nyo, perfect life na haha!

But enough tears.. more of the party central haha..

Oh, to be young, wild & free! <3 Photobooth by Fotostyle. 8k for 3 hours. Owner: Jun Hidalgo 0917-5849000 / 0917-8123687 fotostyle@gmail.com

And now, I rest! ;P

Bianca  & Kitty :)) Sorry Kitty I just had to post this! Wagas! ;)) Drinks kasi in moderation kids. Everything in moderation para walang problema sa buhay.

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